I am totally and completely serious. This HAS to stop.

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WARNING: in this rant, I discuss rape, rape faces and France. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ, PLEASE DON'T! Rated R! ... But then again most of my rants are...

France and his damn rape face. DOES. NOT. FUCKING. EXIST.

The next person whom I see use that is gonna get mentally slapped in the face by yours truly.

France, along with every other character in hetalia, IS. NOT. A. RAPIST. Therefore, he and all the rest of them don't have rape faces!

In fact, unless the character is actually a rapist in the anime, NO CHARACTER HAS A RAPE FACE!

FRANCE IS A LOVER AND A FLIRT, AND HE IS IN LOVE WITH (insert person of your choice), but he is NOT A RAPIST! He would never rape anyone, because that isn't true love!

Especially in a published RP. AND I EVEN ONCE SAW IT IN A STORY! How can people say those things?

Also, in comments on cosplay. Do you know how offended cosplayers get when you call them rapists?! That is one of the only things making me hesitant about cosplaying France. It is horrible, you can't just... Do that to someone.

Now for my confession: a little over 3 years ago, I was also using the term "rape face" to describe France. However, at that point I had no. Fucking. Idea. Of what it meant. I was nieve and new to the fandom, and went along with whatever other people told me. Therefore when "rape face" was used in rp, I thought, "okay whatever, it can't be that bad."

Then, later, I met a girl online. She and I just talked, but eventually we got pretty close. One day she talked to me over chat, and she was distraught. She said she was sobbing and was really upset, and she told me what had happened. She had been RPing with someone as England and France(she was England). They were talking and doing things and having a normal RP, when the other person said something about a rape face. She totally freaked out at this point and didn't respond for several hours. When she came back, she told me she had been raped when she was younger. I immediately felt awful, and vowed to never use that again. I still didn't really understand what rape meant. I knew what it entitled, etc, but...

Then, I read a book. A really powerful book about a girl who had gone through it. It changed me forever, and now I hate how nieve most people are, partly because I was once so nieve as well.

Rape is non consensual sex. To put it in the simplest of terms. Now if you think it should still be okay in a rp with a stranger you don't even know, or even someone you do know, joking or no, graphic or no. It's ridiculous to bring something like that into any fandom.

Now, if you discuss it with the other RPer first, and if you publish it, if you put a warning at the beginning, that is completely fine, though I still don't like the term "rape face" getting thrown around. Also, any story with serious rape in it is also okay by me, as long as there is a clear, easily seen warning.

In short, just, please. No rape faces.

Rants! I'm either bloody upset, f**king angry, or really super happy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora