UsUk onesided america

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Hi guys, so this time I'm gonna get straight to the point. A while back, Hidekaz confirmed UsUk, but said "Yes, England is gay. He has a crush on America but America is too oblivious to nootice. But I'm not going to tell you if America loves him back. You'll have to wait." Which means it's at least sorta one-sided to Britain!!!

So why the heck does everyone write one-sided America Fanfics and Doujins??????? 

Now don't get me wrong. Heck, I love them! But guys, England is actually confirmed to love him, while America is just a maybe!!!!!! I mean, come ON! I have only ever found 1one-sided Britain fanfic! If you guys know of any PLEASE TELL ME! I am currently working on one, but I wanna read them! 

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