Nevermind, again.

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"All right. That's all I wanted to talk about with you. I should be heading out to go pick up your brother from his basketball practice. There's some Mac and cheese in the fridge, beat your brother to it." She lets out a soft wink before heading out the door.

You think to yourself "Oh crap. It's Oliver's birthday next week. I haven't even gotten him anything and I'm flat broke."

You spend the next 10 minutes binge watching the next episode of Squid Game while you're buried under your floral sage green blanket.

"Y/N!!! GUESS WHAT??" You hear the high pitched voice of your little brother, Oliver storm through the house door.

"What now?"
You prepare yourself for a long one sided conversation about basketball. Half the time not even paying attention.

Oliver starts spitting out words meanwhile you pretend to engage in the conversation. Even after 6 minutes he still doesn't think to stop talking.

"Y/N why don't we start heading to the mall? If we don't go now it's going to get late!"

(Thank you mom for saving me from dying of boredom!)

"Yes please!"
Y/N says before quickly heading upstairs to grab their beat up white slip on vans.

"I'll be waiting for you in the car outside."

Y/N contemplated bringing their headphones since their mom likes to play boring Christian music in the car on the way to places.

Y/N ran down stairs and headed towards the door before they stopped in their tracks.

(I have to go pet Socks goodbye.)

Y/N looks under the dining table, Sock's favorite place to hide. They lean down and gently rub Sock's head. His ears perked up as a way to thank Y/N. Socks was a hairy Maine Coon cat. He always had a curious expression plastered on his miniature face.

Y/N now rushes outside to the car.
"Alright I'm all ready!"

Y/N and their mom arrive at the mall. Their mom does a horrible parking job.

"Where'd you like to go to first?"
asks Y/N's mom.

"You don't mind if I go to Hollister alone right?"
"No not at all!! Go ahead just let me know when you're done, okay?"

After that, Y/N sluggishly dragged themselves to Hollister. Y/N thought "The cashiers are always hot there... though I hate how awkward I can be."

Y/N hears the shrieks of upset toddlers while walking there. Typical for a mall, but highly annoying.  As they walked by the H&M they noticed a pretty girl with long brown silky hair and glistening skin. Her appearance was delicate like a baby deer. She was mesmerizing...

[ Oh fuck what am I doing staring at a random girl. ] Y/N swiftly turns their head away from the awe-inspiring girl. Hollister was across from the H&M. Y/N started to speed walk, flustered and puzzled to what they just did.

[ Don't be such a creep Y/N. ]
you said to yourself.

Writer's note :
Sorry for being IA ! :( I've been really busy! I'll make sure to release more chapters often <3

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