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The school day was quickly over. I went home with Heejin. When we entered inside of the house, her mom was passed out of the couch with dozens of beer bottles laid out on the coffee table.

"Mom, my friend Y/N is over. We'll be in my room working on some homework." Heejin said as she nudged her mom who was unresponsive but she didn't seem to care.

I followed Heejin to her room. Her room reflected her a lot. She was completely careless and her room presented that.

"What? You probably think my room is a mess.."

"Oh no! No I don't think that."

"Your face looked so disappointed" Heejin chuckled.

We worked on our homework for a awhile before we fell asleep on Heejin's bed. I had woken up in the middle of the night. I felt something touching my hand. My eyes struggled to open but when they did, Heejin was engulfing her hands into mine. She began to draw circles into my palm with her pointing finger. She whispered into my ear

"I'm sorry about everything."

"What are you sorry about?"

"For not meeting you sooner. If I had, maybe things wouldn't be like this. I wouldn't be with Hyunjin. What I'm saying is—" Heejin cut herself off before she could continue. She got up and grabbed something from her desk. The light that creeped through the gap of the curtain revealed that it was a bracelet. Two of them. Heejin put one of them in her wrist and handed me the other.

"Here. If anything ever happens, I want us to be with each other, somehow, no matter what." Heejin stretched her arm out to my face and stroked my hair backwards.

"Heejin, nothing is going to happen. Is something going on?" At this point, I was worried. Was she scared of something? Someone?

"Im fine. Let's go back to bed." She entangled her arms around me before falling asleep.

I wish this moment could last forever. I would trade the world to experience this again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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