Delicate eyes.

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The god awful sound of the alarm.
"It's way to early for this." Y/N said to themselves. Y/N wasn't used to waking up this early. They grabbed their phone and the time was 6:20 AM. Y/N got ready for school, following the morning routine they had planned before going to bed last night. After, Y/N told their mom that they were ready for school. "Aren't you excited? You look like a zombie, Y/N! Seriously have a little bit of life in you!" snickered their mom. "Yeah well it's kind of hard to have some life in me if I'm waking up so early.." Y/N rolled their eyes in morning moodiness. On their way out of the house Y/N grabbed a granola bar and ate it on the way to school. Y/N texted Sophie so they wouldn't have to be the only one not talking to a friend in the halls.

When Y/N got to the school they said goodbye to their mom. "What am I doing. Seriously. I should be at home doing online..."
"It's too late to take everything back."
"Y/N ! Over here!!!" Sophie waved in Y/N's direction. They quickly rushed over to Sophie "Follow me! You and me have home room together, remember? I'll let you know who to stay away from and... who you might want to be around." Sophie gave you a mischievous grin and walked in front of you. As Sophie and Y/N walked around the school Y/N got a bunch of stares. A few people even walked up and asked if they were new, the obvious answer is yes.

When they finally got to the classroom the teacher assigned Y/N a seat far away from Sophie. "Great, just what I needed!" The rest of the class was pretty boring. Sophie sent Y/N a couple looks from across the classroom. Y/N asked to go to the bathroom and headed down there following the teachers directions on how to get there. When Y/N entered the bathroom they noticed that soon after 2 girls arguing with each other entered. The 2 girls exchanged nasty names, "Stop being such a bitch, Heejin!" "You're seriously delusional I never even touched them, you should be in a mental hospital, you crazy ass." Y/N could tell one of them was smoking because of the cloud of smoke starting to form at the top of ceiling. Y/N hid in the stall silently waiting for them to be done arguing when suddenly one of them dropped their phone and it slid over to the stall on the right of Y/N. "God damnit, I'm so fucking over this." Y/N watched the girl's shoes approach the stall and she leaned down to grab her phone, the girl walked back over to the other and whispered something but loud enough for Y/N to hear in the silent bathroom. "Is that the person you've been fucking?" Straight away Y/N knew where this was heading and they were not about to get mistaken for a side piece. The girl banged on the door violently and yelled "Stop being such a pussy and come out of the stall already! Don't you want to see Heejin, the girl you slept with, huh?!" Y/N flinched and their heart started to feel like it was going to rip out of their chest.

"Come on, knock it off already, Hyunjin..." muttered Heejin in a restless voice. Y/N made their way to the stall door and opened it, without delay Hyunjin angrily slapped Y/N. "That's what you get for sleeping with peoples partners!" Heejin's mouth was wide open, she covered her mouth with her hands and rushed over to Hyunjin. "What's gotten into you? I don't even know this person I swear! You just slapped a random student?!" Hyunjin's head turned from Heejin's face to Y/N's saturated face. "Oh my god... I'm so.. sorry!" Out of nowhere Hyunjin had choked up into tears and ran out of the bathroom in hopes that she wouldn't get in trouble.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about that.." Heejin worried while looking at you with her delicate brown eyes. Y/N stood their analyzing Heejin's rabbit like appearance.  "Oh, yeah I'm fine don't worry! That did kind of a hurt a little though." Y/N faintly grinned. "Listen, I'm really sorry about that. Hyunjin and I have been having relationship issues and she's really hard headed, if you couldn't tell." scoffed Heejin. "We've been dating for almost a year now, she saw me with another girl and got the wrong idea. You slightly resemble her, so I guess she probably thought you were her. Let's put this behind us, okay?" Y/N nodded and said "Yeah I love getting slapped for supposedly being a side piece on my first day of school after just being transferred from homeschooling, it's really great isn't it?" Y/N and Heejin both let out a couple of chuckles. "Do you want a cigarette?" "I don't smoke but thanks.." Y/N awkwardly looked around the bathroom attempting to find anything to talk about but there's nothing really interesting to talk about in a high school bathroom other than the writing on the walls. "I have to catch up to Hyunjin before she most likely assaults somebody else, goodbye" Y/N waved at Heejin and watched her as she left.

"I want to see her again." thought Y/N.

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