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Log #2, Y/N's POV. 9/27

Why didn't you look back at me? I wish you had just looked at me and not her. Is she really that prettier, Heejin? I'll be anything you want me to be, Jeon Heejin. Just please. Tell me.

Y/N picked out a sweater that was too large for them but they liked it either way. They couldn't find anything else so they walked across the store to check out. The cashier was a tall brunette girl with green eyes. Intimidated by her Y/N started fidgeting with their hair.

"Your total will be 32.50$"

Y/N reached for their phone, they had put their money on the back of their phone case. They pulled the case off and handed the girl the money. Y/N's eyes wandered around and noticed the girls name tag.


Suddenly Y/N realized this wasn't a stranger "Hey! Didn't we throw rocks in the lake 2 years ago at summer camp? I was the one who always wore baggy sweaters with Converse shoes. Do you remember?" exclaimed Y/N. Sophie's faced brightened quickly.

"Y/N? No way I've been thinking about that day every now and then! You never were able to give me your number because you left early." Sophie chuckled with a charming smile. She had such soft eyes and rosy lips. In total honesty, she looked like a goddess.

Y/N proceeded to give them their number while Sophie created a contact for them in her phone. While they handed Sophie the 50$ bill, a ghost-like boy walked in.  "Wow Sophie, even you pull people while at work, huh?" he scoffed.

"This is just my friend, Owen. Me and Y/N met at summer camp."  Right after, he chuckled and walked away. Y/N looked at Sophie, she had changed drastically. Last time they saw her Sophie had gotten a terrible hair cut by her older sister, but now her hair was grown out. "Well, I should be heading back to my mom. We're out shopping to get me some clothes for school. I can't always look like a bum." "Oh! You're not homeschooled anymore? What school are you going to?" asked Sophie. "I don't know yet actually, I'll text you later tonight." Sophie handed Y/N the shopping bag and exchanged goodbyes. As Y/N walked out of the store they called their mom.

"Hey mom, where you at?"
"I'm at the shoe stores next to the pretzel stand. I have to get your brother new shoes, his shoes are pretty beat up."
"Yeah well that's because he's always messing around with his friends outside. I'll see you there soon."

Y/N walked over to the shoe store and searched for their mom among the shoes displayed upon the many shelves. They picked out new shoes for Oliver and checked out. Y/N did a bit more shopping before heading home.

When they got home, they were greeted by Socks, who smoothly pulled their tail from side to side. "Hey mom, while I was shopping I saw Sophie again! You know the one from summer camp? She actually changed so much, you should've seen her!" Y/N told their mom excitedly. "That's great! You guys really did get along before, everyday you would continue on and on about how you missed her." Memories of you and Sophie giggling and chasing each other around the forest replayed in Y/N's mind. "By the way, do you mind telling me what school I'll be going to?" Y/N's mom told them to wait a minute as she searched through the stack of letters on the counter. "Let's see— You'll be going to Greenville High school." Y/N was unbothered, it's the same district Oliver attends. They hadn't heard much about it except that the kids there can be "a pain in the butt." Y/N picked up their phone and started texting Sophie.
"Heyyy!!! Just found out what school I'll be attending, it's called Greenville High School."

"I go there too!! I can help you with finding classes if you need it. Have you gotten your schedule yet?"
"Yeah here it is!"
*1 Attachment*
"Looks like we have home room
and 4th period together! Let's talk
more later, I have to get back to
work lol."
"Alright, talk to you later."
Read 3:57 PM

Y/N was relieved that they wouldn't have to go to school alone. The thought of being there alone spooked them, all the staring and talk about the "new kid" wasn't something they would have been looking forward to. Y/N walked upstairs to their room and buried themselves in their bed. Having being homeschooled most of their life, Y/N didn't have much friends. In fact, it was slightly tough for them. They couldn't relate to other kids when they spoke about their struggles in school and their enjoyment of school events. Heck, they couldn't even relate to the kids who joyfully played at the park with their dads.Their dad would always be at work while Y/N's mom took care of them at home. Y/N hoped for somebody who would always stick by their side, unfortunately this didn't become reality. All the other kids would be at school most of the time while Y/N was stuck at home doing their work.

For the rest of the day Y/N helped around the house, just like any other day. "You should start going to bed now. You need to start going to bed early, no more pulling all nighters. I'll be stopping by the store tomorrow and getting you school supplies. I want you to get everything organized before school starts, got it?" Y/N shook their head. Before heading to bed, they washed their face and thought

I didn't even think I would ever be doing in person school, but here I am.

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