Chapter 4

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*Time Skip* {The next morning}

Logan's pov

I made sure to wake up really early this morning. I just wanted to take a run so I can feel refreshed for the day. Mainly because yesturday I freaked out the guy that I had imprinted on, Casper.

I looked in the mirror, staring st my messy blonde hair, but not really caring what it looks like.

I made it down my creaky wooden stairs gently, making sure not to wake up the pack, I finally made it to the back door and opened it slowly, and headed straight for the woods.

I scanned everything around me to make sure no one was around, I mean who would be out here at 5 in the morning. I mean you never know right.

I quickly took off my clothes and shifted into a wolf. I felt the popping of my bones, but at this point it doesn't matter to me anymore.

Suppressimg the thought, I looked down at my white/Blonde fur paws, my claws were digging into the dirt beneath my paws.

I then picked up my clothes in my mouth and ran deeper into the woods.

The only thing on my mind was Casper. When I first saw him, I had imprinted on him to be my soul mate, and now I must protect him from harm.

I decided to only run for a half an hour, So I ran back to the house to get ready for school.

When I got near the house, I shifted back into a human self, very quickly putting on my pants.

I went inside without putting my shirt on. I walked upstairs to the shower and hopped into the hot steamy water, it felt really nice.

I started to smell like strawberrys. And I get to smell nice for a certain someone, I smiled at the thought of Casper running through my mind, and the way his eyes looked deeply into mine, I know hes the one for me. My soulmate.

I then finished showering. As I hopped out, I grabbed my phone off of the sink and wiped the fog off of it. due to my hot shower it was now six in the morning.

The pack started to get up and get ready. I was always the first one up. I start to hear all the groans of everyone as they got out of bed.

I put my clothes on and walked out of the bathroom, I then saw my best friend Taylor walking down the hallway, her eyes were half closed, and her red hair was poking in every direction.

"Hey, you mignt want to go first, unless you want to shower in cold water" I warned her.

She then realized what I had said and ran right to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her, making everyone jump.

"So what are your plans today Logan". I jumped a little and turned around, it was just my little sister Cleo.

She had blonde hair like me but hers was darker, I looked at her, as I was leaning on the wall with my arms crossed.

"What do you possibly mean little sis" I asked. Her blue eyes were piercing through mine as if I did something wrong.

"About your soulmate" My eyes opened wide with shock, how did she know about Casper, I never metioned him to her.

"How d-did you" I was then cut off by my sisters creaky morning voice

"I'm your sister. I can read your mind remember" I uncrossed my arms, and remembered that sibling wolves can read each others minds, and since she's my little sister she can read my mind and I can read hers.

"So when are you gonna tell him".she asked.

"Today, I have to, he has to know".
I said with a weak smile on my face

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