Chapter 1

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Casper's Pov.

"Casper wake up! You don't want to be late on your first day do you!"

I moaned at the sound of my mother's voice trailing through the kitchen to my room, I rolled over to look at the time. I only have 20 minutes to get ready for school.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to my dresser and grabbed the only black t-shirt I had left that was actually clean with some black ripped up skinny jeans. I put them on, walked through the hallway to get to the bathroom. I brushed my scruffy brown hair and then brushed my teeth. I then started to give myself funny looks in the mirror before heading out to the kitchen.

My mom tossed me my backpack which slipped through my fingers and hit the floor.

Thanks so much Mother" I said sarcastically, I sighed and bent over to pick it up.

I slung it over my shoulder and looked up at my mother.

"Hey! Smile Casper," she came over and giving me a reassuring hug.

I pulled away as a tear started to slide down my cheek.

"What if I don't fit in with the other kids!?" I said as I wiped the stray tear from my face.

"Casper don't you dare say that, anyone would be lucky to be you're friend". My mother said with a silly smile on her face.

I grabbed the beenie that was on the counter and put it on my head covering half of my brown scruffy hair.

"Mom I need to get to school" I sighed. 

"Alright. But Casper, try to have a good day"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my car keys on the key hanger by the door.

 I walked out to my car and unlocked it.

I jumped in the driver's seat sighing. I finally pulled out of the drive way, and started to drive to school, I hooked up my phone to my radio and playing my favorite songs, clearing my head of all the bad thoughts.

When I finally got to the school, I parked in the front parking lot of the school.

My jaw dropped instantly. "They call this a school, more like a castle".

I let out a sarcastic yell and grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

I got out of the car and looked up at the school once more. "I still can't believe this is a high school".

I started walking towards the front glass doors of the building, I pushed them open and walked right into the front office.

I rested my hands on the counter, suddenly an old lady came out of the room in the back.

"May I help you"

"Umm yes, My name is Casper Jaxx. im a junior, I'm new here"

"Well do you need something hun"

"Um yeah my schedule would be nice" I ran my fingers through my bangs, that were hanging from my beanie.

"Oh right, sorry long morning, being that its the first day of school and all"

She finally sat down at her desk and started to type on her computer. The sound of her long painted nails hitting the keys echoed throughout  the office.

"Here you are Casper Jaxx" she slid my schedule to me with a big smile.

"Thanks" I walked out of the office and I found myself in this huge hallway with lockers everywhere.

I walked through the hallway looking around. "Damn this school is even bigger on the inside".

I looked down at my schedule for my locker number. Locker 209

I turned around and there it was right by the office hallway. I started to put the combination in, I heard a click so I opened it and put my stuff in my locker.

It was in the middle of first period so everyone was in class, so that mean im late, ugg.

I leaned against my locker and slid down it.

This is going to be  hard, I'm so not ready to go back to public school. All the memories from my freshman year flashed through my head.

None of which were good. But they always ended the same way. With me getting the shit beat out of me untill a teacher stopped it.

Which is one of the main reasons I asked my mom to home school me.

But she does'nt have the time anymore, So here I am back in hell.

I tried to beg my mom to let me take online classes but she want me to interact with other people.

I should get to class before they call my mom and tell her that I was late on my first day, Cuz I'll never hear the end of it.

I finally got up and started to walk to my first period which is Geometry with Mr. Cane.

I finally saw his classroom, I walked to the door scared as hell.


When Two Worlds Collide (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora