Chapter 7

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Logan's Pov

I walked into the front door, relievingly home from the hospital. I couldn't be anymore angry right now, I'm not angry at anyone or anything, i'm just angry at myself, because I let him get hurt, and that I had almost kissed him, but my nerves got the best of me.

Casper seems so fragile, I don't, really need to know his past, or his back story, or try to get him to tell me, i'll let him do that part on his own.

I just love everything about him.

He's also short, he literally has to look up at me, I'm at least a foot and a half taller than him. He likes to flinch at the littlest things which I find adorable.

So if I just randomly kissed him and left, it wouldn't be fair to him, but now I know more than ever that he like me, I can tell from the way he looks at me, and I can always see him blushing at me, no matter how much he tries to hide it.

But I don't want to screw this up and I don't want to scare him off so easily. So if I were to kiss him id probably end up marking him right then and there.

I hung my backpack up on the coat rack next to the front door. Wondering how Casper is doing in the hospital, I bet he's on his way home by now. I'm not gonna try to worry myself to death, i'll see him tomorrow at school, and then I can-

My thoughts caught short when I was suddenly o the ground, tackled by my sister. "I never see you anymore!" she screamed quietly, flicking my nose.

"Cleo, we see each other every day, If I remember correctly, I still make your lunches ." I commented, That only grew her angrier, hitting my arm. I laughed and shrugged her off, pulling myself as well as her up from the floor. "What you meant to say is, we haven't been talking lately. "I smiled innocently as she huffed.

"Well your all caught up with your 'mate' and haven't had any time for us." She teased dramatically, waving her arms around. "Who is he anyway?" She pestered.

"I will tell you all when everyone gets home, Cleo. Have patience. Besides I want to hear more about what's been up with you and Walter." I started "I hope he's nothing but good to you." I narrowed my eyes at her, suddenly getting angry at the thought of Walter hurting my little sister.

See Walter is two years older than her. Making him 16 and her 14, meaning he can be really immature at times. And if he were to ever hurt my little sister, I wouldn't hesitate to tear him to shreds, pack member or not.

Cleo's blonde hair bounced with her as she shook her head. "He's still nothing but good to me, Logan calm down." She laughed rolling her eyes. "Since you and Taylor decided to ditch us and go to a completely different school, Sam has been looking out for me."

"I didn't....We didn't ditch yo-" I started but cut myself short. I told her this many times, And I really wasn't up for another repeat. Taylor and I did not ditch her and Osiris. The school was just packed where they were going. So we decided to split two and two.

Walter came up from behind Cleo, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek. "I'm so hungry." He looked up at me, I nodded. People would say that i'm very harsh to Walter, That I hate him. The truth is I really don't. He's actually one of my good friends besides Taylor.

I just don't want him to hurt Cleo, I know mates wouldn't do anything to harm each other. But it's my little sister. So of course i'm going to be very cautious with her.

We all went into the kitchen, As I started to walk towards the pantry taking out all sorts of snacks. Setting them out on the table for everyone to grab.

We are just waiting for the rest of the pack to come home, Which consisted of Taylor, Mom, Chase, and Dad.

We all began to pick at our food wolfing it down, you could say. A familiar voice started trailing through the house, Singing.

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