Chapter 2

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Logan's Pov

I watched the door fly open from the back of the class, as a brown haired boy came walking through the door.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at him, especially our teacher.

"Who are you? Are you lost?" The teacher exclaimed.

"Um, my name is Casper Jaxx, Junior, I'm new here and this is my first hour" the brunette ruffled his hair and fixed his beanie, Damn he's really cute especially when he messes with his hair.

"Oh, you're the new kid! Well late on your first day huh? There's an empty seat right next to Logan".

As the teacher said my name i strayed from my thoughts and sprung my head up, looking right at Casper, we shared a quick smile, then he turned back to the teacher.

"Thanks, and I won't be late again" Casper said while rolling his eyes. He made his way to the desk in the back.

But before he could walk pass the first desk, one of the jocks in the front stuck his foot out a leading him to trip and fall, face first.

"Oops, sorry faggot!" the jock laughed.

 Then instantly, the whole class started laughing with him.

I sprung up from my desk pissed, running to Casper. Who is still laying on the ground.

"Dude are you ok" He glanced up at me for a few seconds. His nose, it was bleeding from that nasty fall he had.

His hands were buried in his face. He was trying to hold back his tears "I-i-im fine, ok." you could hear the pain in his voice.

The class was still laughing, saying rude things about him. I mean grow up, don't they have something better to do!? It pisses me off!

I pulled him up, till we were fully standing. "Lets clean you up, come with me".

I walked him out of the classroom,completely ignoring the teacher.

We finally made it into the boys bathroom.

I grabbed a paper towel and handed it to him. "here use this and tilt your head back, so the blood doesn't rush out."

By grabbing him by the waist, I helped him up on the sink counter,  watching him cock his head back, trying to prevent his nose from bleeding any further.

He then stuck out his hand, looking up to the bathroom ceiling.

"Thank you. My name is Casper by the way" His voice still pained.

"Ya, I know, I heard you say your name to the teacher.  Oh, and don't let the jocks get to you, there just a bunch of nobodys" His head was still tilted up towards the ceiling.

He then finally put his head down and took the bloody paper towel away from his nose.

"Its fine, I'm used to it by now." He grinned " But hey! My nose finally stopped bleeding" He jumped off of the bathroom sink in excitement. He must be bipolar because his mood completely changed, its kinda cute.

"So what time is it by the way." We shared a glance, as I pulled out my phone to look at the time. There was only 2 minutes left before 2nd hour starts.

"Hey, we should get going, the Teacher didn't seem to happy abut us walking out, without permission. I don't want to get in trouble for skipping. My mom would be livid if I got a call from school on my first day" We both shared a laugh and walked out of the restroom.

"Hey, so ill see you at lunch then" I playfully winked at him, as his face lit up, it was really cute.

"Its a date" he winked back, and we both shared a laugh before walking back to class.


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