Chapter 3

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Everyone looked at me,at Ender,at Logan. Basically we all have powers and we are 'weird' to them. Paisley,Dexter, and Noel have powers too,but, their powers most likely got glitched because of the game.
"We must split up." I said looking at all of them when my lighting finally vanished. "Syd, are you mad!?" Destiny said as her eyes grew big and she shivered." Yeah, she almost killed me." David said as he tried to calm Destiny down." The game's programing corrupted her. It's not her fault she became purplegirl." Ender said as she put her hands on her hips." It's better her. Ratter than Me,Ender,Or Logan." I said to all of them. Charell nodded her head to my words,"What do we need to do?"
"Kat,Bernie,James,Shirley come with me." I said." David,Olivia, Charell,Madison, Morgan come with me." Ender said as her group left the room." Paisley,Dexter,Noel,Kira come with me." Logan said as his group left the room." We are going to stay here. We are the nightwatch ,I guess." Kat looked at me,a scared face came up,"Like Five Nights At Freddy's?" She said her voice in a shiver." Actually, we are in Fnaf 3. That's why this room was so small and cluttered." I said as I watched Kat cry. I comforted her and told Bernie,James,and Shirley to watch the cameras as me and kat worked the systems.

Two hours later...

Kat was calmer now but she still didn't like the fact that she,and everyone else, were stuck in a horror game with killer animatronics roaming somewhere." Syd, where are the animatronics?" James asked as a worried look spread across his face. "I'm not sure."
That thought worried me. "Logan!" I said as I ran put of the room when I heard a scream. A black figure ran in my way,we both fell. The figure became more clear as it was Ender with her group trailing behind." I heard a scream!" She said as she ran down the hallway with me behind her and my group and her group behind us. Lighting streamed through my hands and my blue eyes had lighting shooting out.
Ender stopped dead in the middle of the hallway. A pole of blood laid at her feet and I walked toward her slowly. I could see tears coming out of her eyes as she held up the lifeless body of Paisley. I began to cry. Four body's laid on the ground. All of the bodies were from Logan's group. Kira was dead. Dexter was dead. Noel was dead. But logan was missing.

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