Chapter 7

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Madison's pov
"What do you mean?" I asked as I got closer to her." We were unlucky." Zoey hung her head down low." We got a'Game Over'. That means we are dead until someone escapes from the real world." James began to cry and Kira comforted him. I felt cold tears run down my face as well.
Shebrine's pov
I stared there in shock." Sydney!" Voices screamed as I ran towards the wolf. My eyes glowed and lighting was forming in my hands. A shadow dashed in front of me and the wolf animatronic instantly put a Bonnie mask on it.(Sad part in 3..2..1) I got a closer look before the wolf dragged him away. I fell to my knees. "No... why him." I said as I put my hands on the ground. The body was no other than Logan..( BOOM SAD PART*Cries*)
Micheal's pov
How long has it been? Three days for Sydney. Six days for Madison,Shirley,and Kira. Even a kid from the Elementary school up the street is missing and a kid in Avalon and Kids from dance schools too. This is just too crazy to be real!

Ender's pov
Kat,Bernie,Olivia,and Destiny ran away by the sight of another person being dragged off. Charell,David,Morgan,Shebrine,and me are the only sain people around here. I turned a cornor and saw Bonnie and Toy chica putting on a Balloon Boy mask on Kat and Dragging Bernie away. And putting a puppet mask on Olivia and dragging Destiny away. I ran back to the room." Did you find them?" Morgan asked as a worried face came up." No." I looked at Shebrine who was pushing the buttons angrily." Bonnie and Toy chica got them before I did. Kat will become BB and Olivia will become the puppet." Shebrine looked over."Notch hopes we survie." I said again as I watched Shebrine's eyes go back to the screen." I hope someone can save us!" Charell said.
Micheal's pov
It was free time during achool and Mrs. Vaughn allowed me to go onto the computer. I searched up the game' Five Nights At Freddy's 3'." You're going to play it?" Someone asked over my shoulder. Anthony stood there." Yeah." I said as I started the game. He pulled a seat up next to me." What the...Mrs.Vaughn! I think I know where Sydney is!" Anthony yelled as he ran up to her desk.
Shebrine's pov
I continued to click the buttons as I heard a terrible screech. I looked up and saw a robot with a flat small T.v. for a head coming down and was going to land on top of me. I jumped out of my seat. The T.v. came on and Micheal's face came up. His face was shocked as Anthony yelled to Mrs.Vaughn." Michael?" I asked as I put my hand on the monitor." Sydney?" He asked as Mrs. Vaughn came back with a bunch of my classmates in tow. Charell and Morgan ran over as Ender stayed watch.
"Omg!" Morgan said as she covered her mouth." Were saved!" Charell said as she ran around the room like a crazy person with her hands in the air." Who's there?" Ender asked as she looked at me,Charell,and Morgan." Micheal. He is my classmate." I said as I looked back at her. Her shoulders shrugged. I rolled my eyes." Charell is there too?" Someone asked. The screen was crowded with my classmates just trying to get a glimpse of me. "Who's that?" Someone said as they pointed to Morgan." Name's Morgan." Morgan said as she put her hands on her hips.
"Oh,Notch..." Ender said." Think I found out who Destiny and Bernie became. I ran over to the door. There in the hall stood a horse animatronic and Springtrap!"Sydney! What's wrong." Micheal said as the monitor began to move like crazy checking the cameras." Micheal." I said as I ran over to him." Your our last hope."

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