Basic info

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Please read the description on this "book".
If you didn't read it, I will repeat it here so please read this in that case.

Yes, it includes mature content but there will always be a warning on the chapter too. Please don't read this book or skip those scenes if you are under 16 years old. Remember, this is a fiction and the sexual scenes is fake and it is not how you should do it in real life if you aren't comfortable with it and please make sure to always be protected.

This fiction will not be connected to the real world in any way.
The people in it are fictional and are not connected to the real world in any way other than their names and their fame.

And for this story to work I will have them talk English almost all the time.

English is not my first language but I've been learning it since I was like six but excuse my mistakes.
I don't know any Portuguese or French and barealy any Spanish either. So if they say a sentence or two in another language I will use google translate so please excuse any mistakes there too.

I will mostly keep this story friendly for anyone to read but some chapters may be violent, sexual and may include harassment and mentions of sensitive substances.
If there's an chapter that I knew some people should not read than I will give you a warning before the chapter starts so if you know some of these things may trigger you, don't read it or be sure to read the warnings, if there are any, before every chapter.

Enjoy your reading
- Ash

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