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18 August 2017

"Here we go with this shirt again" I said as I put on the same shirt as I had on the first PSG match we went to.

Going to a PSG match with Kylie and Bella does not come without surprises. Of course Kylie had to come up with something so she had made us able to meet all the players after the game. Which obviously was amazing, especially since I already knew a few of them but it was just unexpected.

I don't know what it would be like to meet Kylian again, not that I think it would go in a special way I just wonder how he thought about what we did. I saw it as a one night stand and that's what I told everyone it was, no feelings involved from my side. The question was if he thought about it the same way as I did or if we had two completely different thoughts about it. Like what if he saw it as something that could be the start to a relationship.

I knew Kylian was playing the match so I knew that I was gonna meet him afterwards, that meant that I would get to talk to him. I don't know how we were gonna meet them, neither did I know when or where but maybe I could try to get to talk with him in private a bit. I should had brought my brother and Katie to this, if I knew Kylie had planned this I totally would've.

My brother got so hyped when I told him about the party, about the people I met. I didn't tell him about Kylian because I felt like it wasn't necessary for him to know but I told him we got along great and told him about the people he introduced me to. He practically begged me to get him to Paris and get him to meet them. I told him that I didn't even know if I would meet them again so it wasn't any point in bringing him here. He has been in Paris with me every time it's Fashion Week so it's not like he cares about coming to Paris, he just wanted to come for the football players but like I said, I didn't think I would meet them again so I made him stay home in California, where he lives.

"Don't act like you hate it, when you actually love it" Bella said and slapped my butt through my black jeans that I had on. I in some ways felt underdressed just because we were gonna meet the players and I wanted to look nice for that but I needed to remind myself that it's a football game.

All of us were dressed the same way basically, we all had PSG shirts on and just some basic pants to that, a little bit of makeup and a little hair fixing but nothing much.

"So who are you guys most excited to meet?" Kylie, who arranged the meeting, asked us. She had her hands under her shirt and was adjusting her bra to in some way make her tits look as big as possible. If it was a tank top she could've showed some cleavage but she had a t-shirt on so I don't know what she was trying to do but that's her business.

"Well, we all know who Ashlyn is most excited to meet." Bella teased about Kylian and the girls laughed. He is hot, no one can deny it but I was actually excited to see Neymar. After the comment Katie made I had stalked him on Instagram and he was hot, don't know how I didn't realize it at the party.

"Shut up Bella" I shaked my head at her teasing. "Besides the teasing, you're wrong." I added, gaining they're attention while they waited for me to continue.

"So there is someone you're excited for..." Kendall said, and I didn't understand if she said it as a question or not. The girls made a teasing "ohhh" sound and I just laughed at them.

"I mean...kinda? I met up with Katie yesterday and we talked about football players, especially PSG and she brought up Neymar. She told me that me and Neymar would be good together so I stalked him at Instagram and you can't deny that he is hot." I explained.

"He defeniently is hot, you're not wrong at all about that." Bella agreed with me. "You should talk to him".

"Yeah I know but isn't it a little bit weird since I hooked up with his best friend?" I asked them.

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