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Written on April 5th, 2015, 1:02 a.m.

what you are living in at this very moment is nothing but a delay of time;
a distraction to keep you from figuring out reality.
because if you know the truth, society's plan will fail.
nothing is real, everything is a disformity of the actual image.
mirrors are put around you so that you don't see who you really are,
the purpose of these mirrors did more than they were intended to do;
they forced you to change, to hate to see your reflection.
the truth of our reality is that everyone is beautiful.
do not cringe when you see yourself, smile;
who you see is not who you are, a reflection in a man-made object is not at all who you are.
stop and take a second to look closer at the things that have become routine for you,
put an end to that perfect plan that you seem to think isn't for you, because that perfect plan doesn't exist, it is only a figment of our imagination;
drilled into our minds since the day we arrived on this earth.
and now is the time for that plan to vanish so we can be us;
so we can be human.


i'd like to dedicate this to jess, annie, hailey, and adrianna. EmbbraceAwkwaard stateofmine hailey_brookee lukeseleles you guys are absolutely amazing and i will never be able to put into words how much you mean to me, i love you.

BloodshotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ