
38 4 5

Written on December 19th, 2015, 7:07 p.m.

You told me you would leave,
but I let myself fall for you each day.
You had my heart pounding,
and me smiling.
I felt warm in your embrace.
But now that you're gone,
I just feel like empty space.
My heart is aching for that feeling that only you can bring.
But you laughed in my face when I told you of this and said I was insane.
Now I'm stuck in a world of my own fantasy.
They told me I had to let you go.
I can't.
I won't.
I didn't.
Even as I laid on my bed struggling for breath, feeling the darkness envelop me, feeling fingernails piercing my flesh,
I still managed to whisper those three words that made me choke.

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