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Written on October 23, 2016 at 9:20 p.m.

i still think about you.
every day,
every night.
just when i think i'm over you,
you enter my mind.
i think about our time together.
all the times you made me smile,
made me laugh.
i remember the happiness that swelled inside me when you told me you loved me.
i remember feeling like the luckiest girl in the entire world.
but you left me.
you left me after promising not to.
you left me after leaving me once.
you told me you were just scared.
well, are you scared now?
are you scared that i've moved on?
are you scared that you will never have me?
are you scared that the one person who was your world isn't there anymore?
or do you realize that those are my fears?
you held my heart in your hands,
and you left it shattered.
but you didn't leave it alone, no,
you put it back inside my chest to let me feel the emptiness of your absence.
i have just one question:
are you happy that you took away the light in my life and replaced it with darkness?


yikes e

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