unable to be titled

24 1 1

Written on July 13, 2016, 7:22 p.m.

every night she cries,
until finally,
the tears dry up.
she holds everything inside.
she puts on a smile for those who ask her how she is,
and practices the laugh she knows doesn't exist.
she counts down the days,
hoping for one spark of hope to go aflame inside her heart.
but it never comes and
she never feels at peace with herself.
she looked in the mirror at her reflection;
she didn't look like herself.
there were bags under her eyes from the countless nights she didn't get any sleep.
her hair was up at the top of her head as she didn't care enough to do anything with it.
she had gotten skinnier,
but she wasn't healthy.
she rarely ate, except for when someone got suspicious.
as she was so intensely gazing at the unfamiliar person in front of her,
she heard a voice.
it told her that she had made it this far.
it told her that she shouldn't give up now.
it told her that there was so much of the world she still hadn't seen,
people she still hadn't met,
and new experiences she still hadn't explored.
she smiled just a little, then,
because that voice was right.
the years went by, and although it was overwhelmingly hard,
she did it.
she saw the world,
she met astonishing people,
and she experienced so many things that gave her such a rush.
but most of all,
she found herself.


ayo this was random but i like it

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