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❃ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ❃

Just outside of Yulin village, a small town on the Southern edge of the Earth Kingdom, a small wooden cottage laid hidden between the surrounding forest. The little home was made of wooden walls, partially covered by clay for insulation. The roof above consisted of traditionally tilted tiles made of bamboo. A thin trail of smoke drifted from the crooked chimney, a sure sign of life if there ever was one. Somebody lived in this house...

Nearby, a sandy path led to the cottage's lush vegetable garden, a pig chicken coop, and a small fishing pond. The area was rather quiet compared to the rowdy village nearby. Tweeting birds, dancing leaves and fluttering laundry were the only sounds keeping away the peaceful silence of the area.

Had anyone come closer to the quaint home, they would have heard the sounds of life going on inside. Muffled steps and soft humming, accompanied by scuffling and the simmering of a rather delicious broth filled the home with a pleasant atmosphere. Someone was busy preparing dinner inside, but they did not stay inside for long!

With a strong shove, the front door flew open and a middle aged woman stepped out onto her front porch. Her humming continued as she strode into the warm sunlight. She rolled up her pale green sleeves and grabbed her crooked broom happily. Dust flew up in the air as the mother swept her porch. She had already dusted the window sills as well as the floor inside, ensuring a tidy and welcoming environment. Everything had to be absolutely perfect for tonight's dinner.

After the cottage was completely tidied up, the woman put her strong hands on her hips in satisfaction. "Hm. That shall do quite nicely." She huffed. Greying strands of dark brown hair were swept behind her ear, having fallen out of her neatly plaited braid earlier. Bright green eyes surveyed the area for anything out of order. All was in place.

The environment around her gently turned from green to gold with the help of the setting sun: dinner time would soon arrive. The woman prepared to get back inside and finish her broth peacefully, when she suddenly heard several pairs of fast paced footsteps running her way. Oh no.

"Mooooommmm!" A little boy cried out. "Hun and Lei are chasing me!"

As the boy reached the porch, his chubby arms flew around his mother's brown skirt desperately. The dark brown tufts of his hair were standing out in every direction. He had a streak of mud on his chubby cheek. The mother immediately licked her thumb and tried to rub it off, to no avail. Two older boys followed after him with laughter.

"Little Kanak doesn't know what he's talking about. We were just playing." Grinned the oldest of the two, a broad shouldered teen with emerald eyes and messy dark brown hair and tan skin. The other boy, slightly younger with light brown hair and tan skin, joined in without hesitation. "Besides, he was the one who wanted to play with the big boys." The two teens gave each other a high five while their younger sibling hugged his mother tighter.

The woman just crossed her arms with a tired sigh. "You boys will be the death of me... You know not to tease Kanak! He's a lot younger than the both of you." Her scolding made the older two boys groan.

"Then it's him who should not play with us, mom." They complained in unison. Despite their almost two year age difference, the boys behaved like twins.

Their mother would have none of it, however. She scowled at them strictly. "You boys will do as you're told! And that's all. You hear me?"

"Yes, mother." The two teens looked away with annoyance. From behind his mother's legs, the youngest of the three stuck his tongue out at his older brothers. The two older boys glared at him in response.

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