Fruitcake for Kreacher

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     Sirius, in fact, had spent the day at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, doing his best to search through all of Regulus's old things for even a hint of what might have happened to the Horcrux. He'd had very little luck, but he mostly blamed that on his great-aunt. Who could possibly be expected to focus on a search whilst simultaneously enduring a tongue-lashing from Cassiopeia Virgo Black?

     She had obviously been most displeased when she had learnt what Sirius had done the night before. She had hoped to harness the powers of the diadem just as much as Aries had, perhaps even more. She graciously refrained from hexing Sirius as punishment, but in return he was forced to submit to a lecture that made his mother's cruellest tirades seem like gentle lullabies in comparison.

     He sat on the floor of Regulus's room, flipping through a few of his brother's journals. He laughed at one entry in which Regulus vented about a prank Sirius had played on him, then winced at the description of the fight they had afterwards. He turned the page to find the list of presents Regulus planned to buy for Christmas: a watch for their father, a brooch for their mother, a set of magic tricks for Sirius, a fruitcake for Kreacher. Sirius shook his head at that last one. Regulus had always had a strange affection for the horrid old elf, and Kreacher had worshipped his young master in return.

     Suddenly it hit him like a load of heavy bricks. Kreacher. If there was one person in the world Regulus would trust to help him it would be Kreacher. Sirius jumped to his feet and headed downstairs. Finally he had a proper place to begin his search.

     After escorting Daphne back to her dormitory just before curfew that night, Aries slipped out his Invisibility Cloak and went on a little excursion. If Sirius thought he wasn't old enough or powerful enough to defeat Voldemort, then he simply had to demonstrate his skills. And what better way for a young wizard to showcase his considerable talents than to apply them to accomplishing a seemingly impossible feat? And what feat could possibly be more difficult than taming the King of Serpents?

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