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Show : Lloyd - Mont, Kai - Smith, Zane - Julien, Jay - Walker, Nya - Samurai and Cole - Royal.

Movie : They'll just stick to their own names. May as well.

Just so we have names for them. 

Over the next three days they worked out a system. With 2 of each person running around doing things, they had to quickly figure out how to tell the difference. They settled on names for the younger team and easy to remember names for the older counterparts. Kai answers to Smith, since it's his last name and was also his job, though the scar being on the opposite side sometimes throws them especially with the other scars. Nya answers to Samurai, since that is what she was before she became the Water ninja, with far more scars then their Nya has. 

Zane answers to Julien, the last name of his father and creator, something he will always perk up to which helps them, as well as the hologram for skin that he can apply. Cole will answer to Royal, since he heard it so often when he was younger that he always at least glances over at the name and all that. Jay answers to Walker, since he refused to have to come up with anything and because it is a tribute to his foster parents. With Lloyd out, they ultimately agree to just call him Mont from Montgomery, since it is something he hears from people he used to know and so he'll acknowledge anyone that says it. 

It takes a full day for Lloyd to recover from donating energy, something the rest of the team was concerned about, after all this is their friend here. He's right back to normal after all that sleep, no difference to be found. Jay and Zane had been working with Julien and Walker to help fix things around the warehouse as well as improve them. To their surprise, they left Samurai to help with the mechs, claiming she has the most experience. Royal and Smith both take time to relax more, but as soon as they do, the younger group notice how much more as ease these ninja appear in comparison to themselves.

They all act like one big family, while the teens have trouble just looking at each other as anything other than friends. It takes 3 days for the team to get bored and tired of helping, finally deciding they can answer some questions. The younger group are eagerly on the couch across from their counterparts who aren't even sitting on it really ( Smith is sitting with his legs over Julien, who's in the middle, Royal laying on his side on the back, hand gently working through Julien's hair, while Julien is working on Samurai's hands, who is in fact on Walker's lap, who is gently massaging Royal's leg.) and debate what to ask.

"How old are you? We're all about 16( AN: I checked but could find nothing for the age of the ninja in the movie, but they're in high school so I figured 16 works.) and all of you look older than that."

"I am, in fact, 50." Julien's bluntness is appreciated, since the older group burst into chuckles.

"I am 26, as are these two." Royal says, gesturing to Smith and Walker. 

"I am 24." For her age, Samurai appears a bit older.

"As for Mont, his age is a bit weird, but he's about 20."

The younger group share looks. How can someone's age be weird?

"What do you mean?"

"Well... he was grown from about 8 to 15 with a tea, so he is mentally and physically aligned, but he is also missing the several years of development. We tried to talk him out of it, but there wasn't really any choice at that point and he was determined to go through with it. He missed pretty much all of his childhood, if we're being honest. So he acts a lot older then he is, but that's why we trust him. He's out little brother, but he is also our Master."

A groan cuts through the questions, followed by a "What the hell did you idiots do?"

The teens jump, startled, while the older group immediately sputter and protest, without any thought, before they still. The entire group turns as one to find Mont leaning against the door way to the infirmary - where he had been moved after he was deemed stable - one hand holding his head and the other resting against the doorway. He seems to finally notice the younger people in the room and moves forward, getting a few feet before his leg seems to give out, all of them diving to catch him but Walker gets there first somehow, with Smith and Julien right behind. Royal and Samurai give each other amused looks, knowing the group will just be joining them so they don't need to move. 

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