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The older team wake up a few days later to the sound of music, which while played pretty well, is still not something they are used to and thus not something they can filter out. Mont groans and tries to hide under his pillow, if only because this is a day where he can sleep in and usually does until noon or later, while the others just give each other amused looks. They're not exactly happy they've been woken this way, but their leader is still such a kid sometimes. 

Smith halls himself out of bed, going to the door of the room - which had previously been a storage area - they commandeered and opens it, both surprised and not to find Wu on the other side playing his...staff? which is also apparently a flute. How lovely. 

"Wu, is there something you need?"

"Indeed, there is. You lot are in need of some new clothes and a change of scenery, so the team will be taking you to the mall to get clothes. Then there will be some elemental training later, so the team can get some control of their elements, if you would like to assist, since I know they're all having troubles."

Smith smothers a grin - how like Wu to wake them up for a reason like this - and turns to his team, only to find them trying to get Mont to get up, since he is refusing to rather stubbornly. Julien is off to the side, watching the entire thing - and probably recording it since he likes to do that and stores it somewhere that none of them have ever been able to find - waiting for the moment when they remember that the only ones able to get Mont out of bed, short of an emergency, are in fact Smith and Julien. They both find great amusement in that, since the other three never understand why they can't get him to leave bed.

"Mont, c'mon. The kids'll be here soon. Got to get ready to see them."

Mont groans, uncovering one eye enough to glare in the vague direction of Julien's voice, before unburying himself from the blankets and pillow they'd found last night. His hair is sticking up in every direction and there are bags under his eyes from the late night since his powers aren't being used as much, with the lack of things for them to do, so he kind of looks like a teenager. He'll fit right in. Royal decides his hair isn't messy enough and starts to ruffle it, ignoring the protests from his young leader, pulling back when it looks slightly more rugged but a bit more organized.

"Not even gonna let me get out of bed before you bombard me, huh?"

That's a tone of voice all of them have come to recognize the I'm-going-to-make-you-run-20-laps-up-and-down-the-monastery-stairs that has all of them fleeing the room in order to avoid punishment, leaving Mont to get dressed and prepared to go in peace. He hides a smirk as the others scram, pulling on something other than his underclothes, since not even here can any of the sleep in anything less than that, since their instincts still can't tell they're safe here. Not yet. 

Mont walks out and hides a yawn behind his hand, just in time for the younger team to walk in, with Lloyd looking like he's ready to run the entire way to the mall, the way he's fidgeting. The older group snort and hide laughter as Mont joins them - casually elbowing the two closest to him in the ribs - looking like death warmed over, a sleep deprived teen in the fullest, in comparison to his counterpart. The younger group are also hiding snickers, though much less successfully then the older ones. 

Wu does not even bother, smiling at the difference in the two who are so similar and yet so different. However, he also can not help the sadness that sits in his chest from the reason for the difference, after all Mont only looks like that because of all the weight forced onto his shoulders sooner than he was ready, the responsibilities and choices he's had to make that not even Wy is sure he would be able to make, even if he is not aware of the choices that might've been made. He hopes his own nephew never looks like that.

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