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"Wait, how did you do that?" Jay asks, so surprised he manages to actually be heard instead of having someone translate. 

Mont turns to Jay, watching the teen and then beckons to Walker. 

"I had a theory and it just got proven right. We are older, more in tune versions of you, and we have unlocked our true potentials, as well as explored many different ways of using our elements. Because we have a much deeper and wider element to use, we can touch our younger counterparts and easily help them unlock the way to using the elements as normal, since they will have to learn to understand the element in order to survive. I'm sure they all can though, after watching them fight. They could do much better, but the way they fight is very reminiscent of their elements."

Walker cocks his head, waiting for the nod from Jay before offering his hand. They all watch as Jay touches it and then tenses, eyes almost glazing over. He starts tapping his feet, and then his available hand starts rubbing at his scarf, but he's still not quite there, Lloyd can tell. He can feel how close his friend is to crossing over the ledge, jumping into his pool of powers, but something is stopping him. He goes to step forward, to offer advice or help, but Mont grabs him and pulls him back, shaking his head.

"We can not help. Every element feels different to every person. Walker is the only one who can help him right now." Mont puts emphasize on the last 7 words, clearly giving Walker his hint.

The older man jumps, having forgot what he was supposed to be doing and then starts to instruct his younger counterpart what to do. Mont rolls his eyes and then beckons his team over, having them line up beside Walker and hold out their hands. 

"You do not have to if you do not want to, but the offer is available for you if you would like to have it."

Mont walks away, leaving them to it, sitting down just off the mats - far enough away to not over hear anything personal, but close enough to help if really needed - and is immediately confronted by the woman who came in with Lloyd. Who ponders who she might be, but is given very little chance to actually think about it because she raises a hand - and while he might've dodged, something tells him that might have a worse effect and he's also kind of tired right now, ok? - and slaps him, hard enough to turn his face the other way. He winces, but works his jaw, turning back to face the woman with a raised eyebrow.

She's got tears in her eyes, now that he has a chance to actually look at her, but he still doesn't know who she is. She never introduced herself, but she came with Garmadon and Wu, so she's definitely important. 

"How dare you."

The slap had grabbed everyone's attention, but the ninja can not let go of each other, risking the younger ones losing their lives if they do, while Lloyd, Wu and Garmadon are surprised she managed to do it, since while he is not her son, he certainly is her son from another dimension. Probably. 

"How dare I what? Give the ninja the ability to fight? To protect themselves?"

"How dare you come in here and risk the life of my son as if it is nothing! He is 16, not even out of high school yet and he's already died far more times then I will ever be comfortable with, so what gives you the right to risk his life again for some stupid elements that could do him more bad then good?"

Mont feels an anger he rarely ever feels build in him at that, feels it slide onto his face and mask everything but the rage in his eyes, leaving him blankly staring at her. Obviously, she mistakes this as him ignoring or dismissing her, because rather than stopping, she keeps going.

"Those elements are what make these poor teens different from everybody else, and you give them the chance to make them stronger? They need to be removed, not made stronger, because these kids need a break, to not be fighting criminals and murderers and everything that comes out on the street looking to do some evil deed. They need to be safe, to life normal lives with only the normal amount of danger, not the life where stepping outside might get them killed because they took out some big boss that worked work someone else that holds a grudge.

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