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For a moment no one knows what to say at that, not even sure if that really is an insult or not, but then he keeps going and suddenly they all wish they had stopped before they crossed whatever line they had, because he'd sounded angry, maybe even pissed before, but this is a calm, lethal anger that they can tell promises death to anyone who protests him.

"If you really think he was not just as miserable as you, then you are shallower than you look, and honestly that's not saying much, cause if you were a puddle, I could step in you and not be splashed. Hell, I could probably run through you and not be touched by a bit of you. All of you are shallow, conformed by a society that needs to be burnt from the bottom up and reformed. 

"You can not place all of the blame from the father on the son, that's like placing all of the burden of an ancestors murder on the shoulders of their great great great grandson/daughter. What good does it do to punish him? He lives in this town same as you and I'm willing to bet Garmadon didn't even know what his son looked like, so he could've easily killed him in his attempts to conquer the city.

"What do you think hitting, kicking, beating him up will do? It'll give you satisfaction, but does it really? Do you really get off on knowing you hurt someone and made the life that is already miserable worse, created a deeper depression for him to fall into? I've done my research, know all about the songs, the posts, the comments, the little things that you don't seem to understand, so let me explain.

"If I give you a pebble, it weighs nothing, but if I keep stacking, adding again and again and again and again without thought for you, eventually the load is going to be too much, too heavy, and you will drown under it with no help, do you really feel happy knowing you caused someone else to feel like that?

"And that brings me to my final point. None of you would drown - or so you think - since you've got friends. But for years, he had no one but his mother, and he refused to let her help. He only recently got people on his side that he could trust, that would help him and let him breathe for even a moment. What would you have done if he had jumped off a bridge? Cut his wrists? Tied a rope around his neck? Ended his life? Would you have felt satisfaction or would the situation suddenly press in on you and make you realize you are the reason someone took the dark road, couldn't escape it, took a precious thing from this world?

"I refuse to watch this anymore. My name's Mont and I'm a relative of his. You bother Lloyd, and I'll come after you. Now back the fuck off and get out of my space, you bitch."

With that, Mont turns to the younger group, ushers them towards the older group - silently placing all of them under his protection - and then grabs his backpack, working on pushing the anger back into place so he can properly reply to the questions he will no doubt get once they are in the warehouse. Smith works with him, gently rubbing the back of his hand and Walker taps his shoulder in a steady rhythm, while Royal, Samurai and Julien make sure that the younger ones - especially Lloyd - keep up and stay with the group, even if they are currently in shock, trying to process everything that just happened.

It takes them several minutes to walk to the warehouse, and the way people avoid them can't even be placed to one thing, since Mont's anger still hangs around them even as he shoves it into a dam, Lloyd is there so they'd avoid them anyways, and the fact that there was indeed someone recording and they caught all of it, posting it and it's already circulating. By the time they get to the warehouse, Mont is calmer, though there is still a subtle anger hidden in his eyes, which are glowing - not brightly, but they are still doing so - and so everyone takes a moment to recover. 

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