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Mont watches over the group sleeping in content, letting the warmth in his chest grow, seeping into every inch of his body as it goes. It's the love he feels for each of them, because while the younger ones are different, it's like meeting his ninja again, with little differences. He loves the ninja - how could he not? they helped raise him - and he always enjoys finding new things to learn about them. He does not always like what he learns - there's a sadness that sits in his chest for Cole who lost his mother at a young age, a soft hope for Jay who wants to at least know his actual parents, even though the meeting may go bad, a despair for Kai and Nya who lost their parents at a young age and had to grow quickly, and an extreme selfishness for Zane who will most likely outlive them all, as long as he does not get destroyed(though with the upgrades they've been giving him - with his consent of course - he will most likely live for a few years without them- but he loves to know things about them.

He knows that while Cole loves cake, he has a special fondness for strawberry shortcake. Kai can get bad migraines after the rain. Nya learnt to love building things by watching her brother make weapons, but she never wanted to make weapons, just mechs that could be used to help people. Zane can cook, but when he is in a good mood, the food always tastes better no matter what Zane says otherwise. Jay talks a lot, but the times where he's silent is when his insomnia acts up and he likes silent companies like Zane or Lloyd himself in those moments. He can't help that he's awake, mostly because his body has been sleeping the last few days, but now that he can move and be aware, his body is still running on the wariness from being hunted and attacked by the Oni. 

So he had silently taken watch once the others had all fallen asleep. He's sitting in the window of the warehouse, the moonlight very faint since it's only a crescent moon, watching the waves and in the distance the volcano where Garmadon apparently lives. He had felt a trap door on the floor earlier, under some of the mats, so he can only assume it leads to a tunnel that will get them to the volcano, in case of emergencies. With a sigh, Mont goes back to looking at the ninjas, knowing he won't be getting any sleep, not for another day or so. His body with the element of Energy has always had some difficulties with relaxing and falling asleep, unless he's knocked out or drugged.(They vetoed these ideas because they refused to hurt him even to knock him out and drugging him to sleep would be bad if the citizens needed help, so they just settled with letting him take naps when he could after bad insomnia nights.)

He's also waiting, because as well as he knows the ninja and as well as they probably know him, he knows himself just the slightest bit better, knows there are something things he'd managed to keep hidden for years before they had found out, to his dismay. Which means he also knows that Lloyd will be waking up shortly because the Energy inside of him will become too restless, wanting motion, activity, something, anything. The natural energy inside of every person can make do with the pumping of the heart, the moving of the lungs and other such things for other people, but with more flowing through their very veins, the unfortunate side effect is loosing some sleep because the energy won't be still.

They tried exhausting all of his energy once, in order to test if that would work. He'd crashed so hard he'd slept for 4 days and then had trouble going to sleep for a month afterwards, so they decided they would just deal with it as it came. That's worked best so far. Wu and Garmadon are not in the ninja cuddle pile - partially because neither are ninja and mostly because both are at their homes( the Bounty and volcano respectively) - which had not been planned. However, after the shit talk from Koko - Mont had finally gotten her name - Lloyd did not want to go home to her and the other ninja steadfast agreed they didn't want him to go home to her, for fear of what she might do in order to stop him from being a ninja. 

It had taken until then for them to also realize they really didn't have a plan for where to have Mont and his ninja sleep.(His ninja had been sure to keep the younger ones busy and so they had not thought to figure out where the ninja had slept the three days Mont was out.) They had shared looks and then easily shrugged, Julien coming forward to say they would be perfectly fine sleeping at the warehouse, beds or no. The younger group had not been appeased, but after several arguments and a lot of attempts to dissuade them, they had finally proven they had no problems sleeping in the warehouse - like they had been the last few days and it isn't the worst place they've slept in - upon which Jay had excitedly exclaimed it could be a sleepover. That's exactly what it became.

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