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Lloyd watches as the ninja move with more speed and stealth then he'd seen them display since they got here in order to line up behind Mont. He had been paying attention and the older ninja moved silently, always, as if they're constantly on alert or wary. They move oddly, constantly looking over their shoulders, and sneaking glances from the corners of their eyes, being extremely subtle about knowing when someone is watching them without giving away the fact they know.

"Smith, Walker, begin."

The two meet in the middle and bow, before taking up distinctly different fighting positions. The younger group can't help their awe when fire and lightning come from the hands of the two fighters, but rather then striking aggressively, both flow around the ninja as if they are a light and the element a moth. Then the two move and Lloyd can immediately see the difference, unable to believe this. The two are ducking, weaving, bobbing, countering, redirecting, punching, kicking, jabbing, doing anything they can to either avoid or get a hit. They move as if they're a liquid, but the thing that grabs the attention of the younger kids is this : for as fast and as quick as both are moving, as well as how skilled, neither is managing to land a full hit on the other.

Cole is the first one to understand why, long since used to seeing tells in peoples bodies rather than their voice, their intent rather then the sugary words they spew. He can't help his huff of surprise or the amount of hope in his voice, knowing that they'll soon be moving like that, fighting as if they are 2 pieces of a puzzle that fit together than really good friends.


He ignores the looks his friends are giving him and answers the inquiry, even as his eyes never leave the two fighters.

"I can't wait to learn that. They're fighting against each other, but they're moving like two pieces of a puzzle, predicting and trying to outthink their opponent who knows them better than the back of their hand, maybe even better than they know themselves. That's... a lot of trust. I can't wait."


They all jerk as he snaps the nindroids name, but the white ninja pays them no mind, going in with a tackle that Smith avoids, which he smoothly turns into a flip and strikes out at Walker. Even with the addition of a third party, the only hits landing are skims and mostly redirected hits that glance off. Mont watches, walking along the entirety of the mats, noticing the moments when they leave openings that they know one of the others would cover, even a they predict each other. He doesn't stop moving even as he calls, " Samurai!"

She grins and heads in with a slide kick, reaching out for an ankle only for her hand to be swatted away and having to dodge a piece of ice that would've knocked her out had it hit. The amount of control they have is ok, though Mont knows it can be far better. He groans, knowing they're holding back just the slightest bit. He thought he'd taught them to stop doing that so they wouldn't pull hits out of instinct when fighting.


The ninja nod and the carefully contained rings of elements disperse, instead coming out in the way they naturally would, with lightning sparking all around Walker, ice covering Julien in a light layer, water swaying deadly through the air around Samurai and fire dancing all around Smith.  The team can't help the hope and inspiration that fills them at the sight of such control. 

"Royal! Show'em how it's done."

He cackles as he cracks his knuckles, the earth appearing to almost ripple around him as he races forward, aiming an attack from behind while smoothly redirecting a hit from fire, barely even feeling the third degree burn that heals almost immediately. The younger teens are horrified, but Mont has them keep going and the burn is gone almost immediately, leaving a very faint scar in it's place. It had become more and more clear as each fighter joined that they can predict each other so well they could easily pass as another of the ninja, especially with the way they move. They don't think they could get anymore amazed, but then Mont calls," Switch!" from the side and the entire battle shifts somehow, though it takes a moment for anyone to realize how.

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