the getaway

24 3 14

I looked over my shoulder, paranoid. He looks over, and presses a kiss to my temple, wrapping his arms around my small body. "You alright love?" I looked at Ruel and felt the urge to kiss him like no one was watching. He started to try out pet names, and love was a really good one. It did things to my stomach, the familiar flutter that happens every time I see him intensified, and I felt my heart thudding inside my ribcage.

As we got off the train, we see an uber waiting for us, and we climb inside and hold hands, while taking in each other with silent appreciation. I studied him as he looked at his phone. His eyes, the way that they crease at the corner when he smiles. His lips, the soft colour of them, and the way they smile in between little kisses, like they keep a secret that I'll never know, but I'm somehow in on it. His nose, the way he scrunches it up when he laughs, and the way his whole body seems completely focused on me, even though we are almost always around other people.

He looks at me, and I blush, knowing that I was just staring at him for like, 10 minutes. He smiles and boops my nose, grinning. "What?" I shrug and shake my head. "Nothing." He laughs and puts his arm around me, and his head bumps mine and stays in place. "Well obviously it's something, do I have something on my face." I laugh and mock study him. "Yeah actually, Pablo is coming back!" Pablo is the name of Ruel's moustache, thanks to his fans. "Sorry love." He says and wipes his hand over his mouth, as if to get rid of it.

"Hey, don't apologise, I actually think it looks really sexy. You should keep it for the weekend. Actually, keep it for as long as you can. Until your manager makes you get rid of it." He smiles and holds up his pinky finger. I take it in mine and shake it once, sealing the deal. We started doing that as a secret thing, when we were content around other people, we would pinky promise that we were okay.

The car pulls up, and Ruel opens his door. "STAY THERE!' he tells as he shuts the door and runs to my side. I laugh as he opens the door and lifts me out, hoisting me over his shoulder. He runs me up to the little gate and sets me down, before returning shortly with our bags. I gaze up at the lodge, surrounded with trees and looking gorgeous. I sigh happily and walk hand in hand with Ruel to the front door. He looks at me, kisses me softly on the lips, and opens the door.
"Count of 3?" He asks and I nod.
"1...2...3!" We both say, and step through the door, together. Alone.

Word count: 496

Also, can I just say I love my og people??? You guys know who you are <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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