The evil master plan

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"What's that y/n?" I look up at Ruel, and even though I know that I haven't done anything wrong, I feel guilty. Everyone stopped talking, and either watched what was happening, or looked at their food, glancing up occasionally. He sat down, and I passed him the piece of paper. He reads it aloud, and he looks up at me. "When did you find this?" I look at him and see that his jaw is clenched. "Just a second ago." Coco piped up, and Ruel glared at her. "Ruel, I was talking to her the whole time, she only just found it in her pocket. I don't care if you look at me like that. I'm gonna tell you what happened." 

He looks over, but not necessarily at me, more just where I'm sitting, as though he's looking through me. "I'm sorry." I whisper, feeling like it's my fault. He comes back to his senses. "No, y/n-" he sighs. "It's not your fault that he's a prick. It's not your fault that your gorgeous, and it's definitely not your fault that he wants you. Well," he grins at me "maybe a little, your too pretty for your own good." I blush, and Ruel grabs me and pulls me in, kissing the top of my head, before ruffling up my hair. He immediately starts smoothing it down. "Okay here's what we are gonna do. "You." He looks at me and I perk up, listening. "Are gonna message him. Now." I pull out my phone, and get his number in it. "Okay, write this, ready?" I nod and Ruel smiles at me.

The next day, I wake up before Ruel. I kiss his forehead, and get up and shower. I hear a knock at the door, and when I open it Ruel is standing there, leaning against the doorway. "How did I get so lucky?" He asks. And I scoff. "You're the lucky one?" He nods, and I just laugh. "You ready for our evil master plan?" He rubs his hands together maliciously, and I laugh at how cute he is. "Yup." I wrap my hair up into a towel, and start brushing my teeth.

When we get to the studio, it's just turned 7:30 am. Everyone else is going to be here at 9:30 am, like yesterday, and it's only supposed to be me here at the moment. That's what Jake thinks anyways. However, when I walk in the doors, hand in hand with Ruel, we can both see that Jake was standing there, and as he turned to greet me, the smile slid off of his face. "Ruel, my man how are you doing?" He recovers quickly, and walks up to shake Ruel's hand. Ruel smiles, and I can tell that it's forced. "Pretty good man, how about yourself?" Jake looked over to me. "Y/n, I thought this was going to be a private extra dance lesson." He looks at me and smiles, but it's more of a grimace. I smile brightly. "Yeah I know Jake, but when I woke up, Ruel looked so cute, and I couldn't leave him by himself. Besides, it shouldn't matter that he's here anyways, it's not like anything else was gonna happen other than us dancing right?" He looks from me to Ruel, and something hits him. "Wait, are you two...?" Ruel steps forward. "Yeah, this music video is how I'm gonna introduce her to the world." Jake flushes, and apologised profusely. "Oh god man, I'm so sorry, if I knew I wouldn't have hit on her." Ruel nods. "Yeah I know. And now you do too."

Jake, gets us to keep working on what we've learnt, and adjusting both of us occasionally, it gets to the point where he says that we both look like professional dancers. Ruel and I grin, knowing it's probably not true, but feel good about it nonetheless. Before we know it, we are both sweating, and laughing, having fun. Jake hears a knock at the door, and let's everyone else inside. Ruel and I keep dancing, oblivious, and when we finish, everyone starts clapping like crazy. Sophia smiles, and we know that we've nailed it. We keep working, and soon, we've learnt the next part of the dance. By the end of the day, I'm so tired, that I end up falling asleep in the car, and Ruel carried me inside. I stir as he opens the door. He places me down on the bed. Without thinking, I mumble "goodnight, I love you." And I fall asleep, not knowing whether he responded or not, hardly even knowing what I said.

Over the next few weeks, we danced, and danced, and danced. By the end of the third week, we learnt the dance, and had mastered it, following Sophia and Jake perfectly. Coco would record it, and, after sending it to Ruel, Ruel would post little snippets on his story, for about 5 minutes, before deleting it. Still it got everyone buzzing, and he got flooded with questions about what was going on. We worked hard, and after shooting the rehearsal for the music video, Ruel smiled. "You ready to be known as 'Ruel Vincent Van Dijk's Girlfriend'?" I laugh and nod. "So ready," I whisper.

(How do you feel about Jake? Anyway, um yeah enjoy!)

Word count: 885 words.)

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