The after party

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We got back to the stadium, and some Crew members saw Ruel and grabbed him. "Come on man you have to go warm up!" Ruel looked back at me, and grabbed a pen out of his pocket. He wrote an address on my hand, smiling. "Go to this address. We've organised a small after party, and I want you to come." With that, the crew member took him away, and I was left there smiling. 

During the concert, Ruel had just finished singing real thing, had a drink of water, and then started talking into the mic. "I don't know about you guys, but it's kinda hot up here." The crowd started screaming, and he laughed. "Nah but if we're gonna talk about hot, there was this girl I met earlier, during the meet and greet." I looked at him shocked. He was searching the crowd, and when he stopped on my face, he smiled. "She was really something. She was funny, and really cute. So I'd like to dedicate this next song to her. I looked at him, and he was gazing at me. Then the music started up and he started singing. "I'm sun dried, my lips are high on overdrive..." I sat there, dumbfounded. He dedicated it to me? I smiled like crazy and listened to the girls screaming the lyrics, but only focusing on him.

I walked down the street, and looked at the rustic like bar. I said the word Ruel wrote on the paper, and the man smiled and opened the door for me. I smiled and thanked him and walked inside. Woah. This place looks heaps different on the inside than on the outside. There were about 50 people in the bar, and I couldn't see Ruel anywhere. I walked over to the bar and ordered a red eyes soda, and twisted in my seat to look at everyone dancing. Finally I spotted Ruel, and he was talking to a girl with platinum blonde hair. I sighed and looked to my left, where a guy, about twenty, was looking at me. "Um. Can I help you?" I said, pissed off that he's just staring at me. "Hey gorgeous, the names Luke. What are you doing at a bar? You look a little young." He said winking. "If I look a little young, than why are you talking to me?" I say rolling my eyes and looking away. He moves closer, and pulls me off of the stool. I look at him, my heartbeat rising. "What are you doing?" He pulls me close, grabs onto my hips, and dips them into a circle, whilst dipping his at the same time. "Thanks but I'm good," I say, pulling away. He grabs my hand and pulled me up against him. "Where do you think you're going?" He smirks, and I look up at him. "Let me go!" Suddenly I'm ripped from his arms and he's up against a wall. I look up from the floor and see Ruel, pinning him up against the wall. "What the fuck man, she said no!" Ruel growls, shoving him in the chest. "Luke looks Ruel up and down. "What are you gonna do about it?" He sneers. "Go cry to-" Ruel pulls back his fist and punches him in the face. Luke, now angry and bleeding, barrels into Ruel and knocks him to the floor. "No! Stop it! Get off of him!" I look up at the crowd see someone getting a bouncer. The girls there were whispering, but drunk as they were, I could hear them. "Do you think that's the girl he was talking about earlier? The one he said was cute?" I looked back to the floor and saw that Luke was being dragged off off of Ruel. I fell to the floor crying, because Ruel had a black eye, and a bloody nose and lip. Ruel pulled himself up onto his elbows and looked at me. His manager came over to him and all Ruel said was "I want y/n to come with us." Before he passed out. His manager looked at me, crying on the floor, and smiled gently. "Come on then, he'll be mad if he wakes up and your not there." They get a stretcher, and put him on it, and his sister Coco, puts her arm round my shoulder and guides me out the back door.

I'm sitting on a bed at the hotel, with a coffee in my hands, and a fluffy blanket around my shoulder. I'm sitting facing another bed, which has Ruel lying down, facing me, asleep. I'm studying his face, looking at the pain that Luke did to him. Earlier, when one of the first aid on Ruel's crew came in and checked up on him, they looked at me and told me that it would be good if I got some rest. I looked at her and nodded, although I had no intentions of listening. I look at the time on my watch. 3am. I finish the coffee, and quietly set it on the bedside table. I sit back up, and look over to Ruel. I start crying, and whisper, "I'm so sorry..." I look down and wipe my eyes. "What are you sorry for?" My head shoots up, and I see Ruel looking at me with tired eyes. I slither off of the bed and over to his, sitting on the floor, leaning my arms up on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to wake you." I say. He reaches a hand out and wipes away a tear that's resting on my cheek. "You didn't wake me," He lies smiling gently. "Why are you crying?" He asks, a concerned look on his face. "Because, it's my fault that this has happened." I whisper, tears running down my face. Ruel sat up, and I looked up at him. He grabbed my arms, and pulled lightly on them. I stood up, and he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed. He pulled the blanket over me and wiped away the tears that were falling. "So you told him to hurt me?" I looked up at him, shocked that he would think that. "What no, of course I didn't. Why would-" he cut me off, smiling. "Exactly. It's not like you told him to hurt me, and he was trying to force you to do something with him, even if it was just dancing. He shouldn't have done that, and I started it first by punching him. He deserved it though." I looked into his eyes, and whispered yet again, "I'm sorry." He laughed lightly, kissing my forehead. "Stop apologising." "Okay, sorry." He laughed again. He pulled me close and hugged me, wrapping one arm around my waist, and the other cupping my cheek. I wrapped both arms around his chest, and turned my head into his hand and kissed it lightly. He slid that hand into my hair, and gently pulled my head towards him, and lowered his lips to mine, giving me a feather of a kiss. When he pulled away, he rested his head on top of mine, and said quietly "get some sleep. You've been awake for ages." I leaned my head up and kissed his neck. "How did you know?" He smiled. "The mug on the counter, and I could taste the coffee on your lips." I smiled. "Goodnight Ruel." He held me a little tighter. "Goodnight, y/n." And with that we fell asleep, him holding onto me, making me feel safe.

(Word count: 1311 words)

(A/n I'm not really good at writing, if you can't tell, but I think this one was okay. If you have any suggestions about what could happen, feel free to write them down, as I could use some ideas, and I would love to use yours xx)

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