Official Music Video

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I wake up, to see that I'm not in my room. I feel something around me move, and I turn around, to see Ruel, spooning me on the couch. I sit up, and he opens his eyes. He looks at my arms, which are crossed, and immediately pulls the cover over his head. "I'm not here." He says. "Ruel, I told you I had to stay in my bed. How did you even get me here?" He pulls his head out. "I couldn't sleep, so your mum told me to go get you, and that you could stay with me. I guess she thought it would help me sleep. When I went to your room, I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't. So I don't know, I kinda just picked you up and carried you out here." I laughed quietly and shrugged. "If my mum knows, I guess it's okay then." He smiles, and buries his head into my stomach. I lay there, looking up at the ceiling, playing with his hair. After a while, I look at my watch, and I see it's 8:30 am. I look up and see my mums door open, and she smiles at us, while Ruel puts his hand up and waves lazily. "I'm gonna make breakfast for you guys, than we can talk about some stuff." She looks pointedly at Ruel when she says 'stuff' and before I can question him, he looks up at you. "You wanna go for a walk? I wanna go for a walk. Let's go for a walk." You shake your head laughing, and lead him to the bathroom, so he can get changed, before running into your room and chucking on some fresh clothes for yourself.

Once we get outside, Ruel looks at me and smiles. As we walk, I point out all of the parks, and all of the places that I go to regularly. He nods, and says "I like seeing the place you grew up." I smile, then look down at my phone, seeing that I have a message from mum, saying that breakfast is gonna be done in 10 minutes, and to head back home. As we walk back, Ruel picks my up, and spins me around. When my feet touch the floor again, I think something, and it makes me smile. My emotions generally are pretty good, but this feeling I couldn't control. I knew at that point in time, I loved him. He looked at me, and kissed my forehead, before grabbing my hand and swinging it dramatically, started singing wap by cardi b. I started laughing, hyping him up "sing it Ruel!" When we got back to the house we were just bent over, cackling. As soon as we calmed down enough, we walked inside. I saw my siblings at the table, and as we went to get some food, I hear behind me, "from the top make it drop." And I lost it. 

After we ate, laughing and talking the whole time, I stood up to help mum with the dishes. Ruel offered to help too, but mum and I looked at him at the exact same time, and told him to shut up and sit down. After drying up the dishes, everyone left, and it was just Ruel, Mum and myself. We sat down, and I looked at mum. "So what was the stuff that you wanted to talk about?" Ruel looked at mum, and she looked at him. "It's your thing, you tell her." She said. I looked between them, slightly confused. "Y/n, I wasn't planning on meeting someone like you. Your crazy cool, and I didn't know that I needed someone in my life, until you came along. But I was wondering if you wanted to be in my music video. Nate and I were talking, and we decided that would be a cool way to introduce you, officially to the world. Not as like, some random person, but as my girlfriend." I looked at him shocked. "What?" He smiled. "Basically, would you like to be my girlfriend?" I nodded unable to speak. "Now, would you like to dance with me, in a music video, for the world to see?" I nodded again. "Okay then, I'll message Nate, and then we've got to head off and start practicing."

(Can I get some comments, on what you guys think should happen, or want you want to happen?)

(Word count: 743 words)

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