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Wow! Third chapter of this story this night! Phew! I want to thank Macca40 and NJ2001 for reading my story!  Let's see what lies ahead.....

The school bell rang and the students filed out of the classrooms like the end of the world was coming. Paul dragged his feet out of class and tried to open his lock. Didn't open. Tried again. Didn't open. Paul banged his head aginst his locker and squeezed his eyes shut.

John and Ringo saw him and walked towards him. "Paul, stop." Ringo said.

Paul didn't pay attention. "Paul, stop! You're hurting yourself!" John shouted. Some people stopped and looked to see what was happening.

Paul did as he was told and looked directly at John. Thirty seconds passed, and all of a sudden Paul darted off and ran out the doors.

"Paul wait!" Ringo started to run, John following behind him. 

"Rings, it's no use. We won't be able to catch up." John stopped him and shook his head.

"Poor Paul, he's taking it pretty hard isn't he?"

"He's not usually like this. He's usually more reserved."

"I guess." Ringo sighed.

"Hey lads, what was all the ruckus about?" George walked over, his backpack in hand. 

"It was Paul." Ringo put his books in his locker.

George scoffed and leaned against the next door locker. 

"Typical Paul." George mumbled.

"Why are you guys fightin' anyway?" John asked.

George didn't say anything. 

"Alright, I see how it is. It's just a fight for no reason. Just silliness, eh? Well, I say you should just make up and forget about it alright? We're brothers!" Ringo swung his bag over his back. 

"See, that's what I'm sayin'! Stop bossin' me around!" George started to walk away. 

"Well, sorry George, but that's how it's gonna be around here! You're the youngest! And the least responsible! We're just tryin' to help!" John said. 

George stopped and swallowed. He paused and then started to walk again. 

"I'll go talk to him." Ringo walked with George and started to mumble to him on the way towards the house.

John sighed in anger and frustration. Ever since mum died it's been a disaster. They never used to fight. Mum was always there for them. John started to walk again and when he'd gotten outside, it was raining.

John tried not to pay attention to anything except then what was in front of him. That meant the sidewalk. 

Then he saw Paul, who was sitting on the curb of the street. He was shivering and his hair was damp. 

Paul closed his eyes for a moment then opened them. John sat beside him and just looked at him for a few moments.

"You okay Paulie?" John asked. 

Paul did a shaky nod. Then he shook is head and closed his eyes again. 

"This is all my fault." Paul's voice quivered.

"What do you mean?" John said.

Paul turned to John.

"I killed her." 

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