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Paul sniffled and wiped his nose with his sleeve. "Hey kid. Come on, you didn't kill her!" He handed him a crumpled up tissue from his own jacket.

"Thanks." Paul said. "I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but I know for a fact that a harmless kid like yourself would never kill his own mother." Oliver smiled down at the younger boy sitting next to him.

Paul tried to smile back. "Thanks Oliver. Who knew someone who picks up hitchhikers is so nice." Paul laughed a little and Oliver laughed too.


"I bet he went hitchhiking." Ringo sighed his hair drenched from rain. "Yeah... Sounds something like Paul would do when he doesn't know what to do..." John scratched his head.

"This is hopeless... We'll never be able to find him!" George sat on the ground shaking his head with frustration.

"Well look on the bright side!" Four eyes stared at him. "No... Bossing around??"

John all of a sudden had a face that neither of the two had ever seen before. Loneliness. Only the face he kept for himself... And mum....

And Paul. He wanted Paul to be home. He was gone. He could be dead for all he knew. Or across the universe. (😂😄:) sorry I had to)

Then all these emotions just flooded out. He gulped.

"John? Are you alright?" Ringo asked.
"Yeah, John you don't seem like you're doing very well."

John shaked his head and he began to-
Cry. John just cried. All the things he held in through the years.

"I want my brother back." Was all he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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