*Paul's Flashback*

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*just a head's up, get your tissues. You may cry :'(*
"Boys! I'm going to the store! I could use some help!" I heard from downstairs.

"I'll come!" I was tired of being inside all day. I ran downstairs with a big smile on my face.

"Paulie, where are you're brothers?" She asked. "They aren't home." I said. She nodded.

"Ok then! Let's go!" We walked down the street. I was talking about school.

Then I noticed some talking from the other side of the street. My mum was talking about her day. I watched as they were talking. One pulled out a gun and aimed at us. I stood. Frozen.

"Paul? Is something wro-" BANG.

She fell limp. I looked down and just stood there. I blank expression on my face. I broke down (sorry I just had to) and started to sob.

"MUM! MUM! PLEASE WAKE UP,WAKE UP!" My voice cracked. I looked up. The men started to run away.

I looked around no one was on the street. "SOMEBODY HELP!" I got up and wandered the streets screaming. "HELP!!!"

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