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John was shocked and confused. Why would he kill mother? 

Paul started to sob uncontrollably.

"What do you mean, 'you killed mother'?" 

"I DID!" Paul looked up from his arms at John.

John couldn't believe it. He shook his head in disbelief.

"I could've bloody saved her! I was right there!" 


"No John, you don't understand." Paul got up and started to back away slowly.

"Paul it wasn't your fault!"

"John, I saw it! A bullet went straight threw her head! I could've saved her!"


Paul started to run off. Again.


"Get away from me!" Paul didn't look back at John.

"Paul please!"


Paul layed in his hard bed. Thunder rumbled and he could hear rain pattering on the roof.

John knocked on his door. 


No answer.

"Paul I know you're in there."

Paul's pillow was wet from crying.

"Look, I'm sorry I yelled back at you. I just wanted to say that-"

The front door opened and everyone flinched. 

It was father.

With a bottle of alcohol in his right hand and a cigar in the other. 

"Where the hell are you stinkin' rats!?" He slurred. 

John walked into the living room and took the bottle from his hand. 

"Dad, take it easy okay?"

"You can't tell me what to do!" He almost fell over. 

George was in the kitchen and was hiding behind the counter. He peeked over every once and awhile.

"Dad, you're drunk go to bed." 

"No! I don't fricken need to! You are the ones that need to go to bed! Leave me with me thoughts!" 

They Ringo, Paul and George peeked over to see what was going on. 

As the man kept talking, John started to drink. 

John was tired with this man. How could he call himself a father? 

Then something started to boil up inside him. He had felt this feeling many times. It was anger. 

John screamed in frustration and punched his father right in the face. 

He fell unconsious and his three other sons poured out of their hiding spots. They looked down at their father.

"I think you killed him John." Ringo scratched his head.

"Nah, I didn't kill him. He's just sleeping that's all." 

"Well, you could have." George sighed.

"Why did you want me to?" 

"No, no! I wouldn't want him killed!"

"Okay then." 

Paul just stared at him. He was in shock of everything that was happening around him. 

He was losing his friendship with his brothers, his father was a drunk and he had killed his mother. Well that's what he thought.

Paul was always crying ever since his mother died that January. He wanted to turn himself in but fear made him not do it.

Even though he thought he deserved it.

They all helped drag their father to his bed and put the covers over him. 

They all went into their rooms, except John.

"Sweet dreams," John faked a smile then it turned to disgust.

"Bloody bastard."  

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