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"Paul!" They all yelled his name as they walked the streets of Liverpool. "Paul!" George felt awful. It was his fault. He shouldn't of yelled at him
George thought to himself.

Paul shivered as he walked down the street. He felt terrified. If only his mother was there to comfort him. But she was gone.

Where should he go? Where could he go? He couldn't live very long with the little money he had. I'm just going to have to hitchhike I guess, he thought.

It began to rain. He put his thin jacket on and walked down the street waiting for someone to pick him up. He saw headlights coming down the road. He looked down at his watch. 6:30 at night and already dark out.

The car stopped for him to get in. He opened the door to see a man sitting beside him. "What are you doing here kid? You look no older then 14!"

They started to drive down the road. Paul ignored the man's question. "I'm Oliver."

"James." Paul looked out the window. He didn't feel like using his name that he would usually go by.

"So what are you hitchhiking for kid?" "Um, I just kinda want to get away from everything." "What are you, a criminal?" "Yeah, something like that." Oliver began to laugh. "What did you do?"

"I killed my mother." Paul mumbled. Oliver looked at him with confusion. "You don't look like a criminal, you know." "Well," Paul looked down at his feet.

"I saw her get killed. I saw the man hold a gun up to us from across the street. She didn't see it, but I did. I could've pulled her around the corner... But I didn't." Tears filled the young boy's eyes.

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