Special Chapter: The Juxtaposition of Us

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The Juxtaposition of Us

===N===Juliane's POV===N===

After we went out from the tower, we checked the Bacolod's bay walk for a short stroll. While walking, I asked him about his profession.

"Nong, just curious. How long have you been a teacher?"

"Uhmm." He thinks for a while. Then he answered, "I started around I'm 23 to 24 I think? 12 years now I think? Not sure haha!"

"Oh wow, that's a long time." And I remember something. "Ah Nong, you told me before that you were born in the United States. Technically you are a US citizen. Curious, are you allowed to teach here with dual citizenship?"

"Great question Jules. I was a dual citizen. Haha!" I was shocked by his answer.

For us here who live in the Philippines, it's a privilege to be born in a first-world country. Many of us dream of working in the rich ones.

"I'm not allowed to teach in the university with dual citizenship, Jules. So I had to choose. It's not easy, especially losing the privilege. I had to for my students and my dreams."

I commend this guy. He really loves his profession.

===O===Mel's POV===O===

Juliane looked surprised by what I said. So I asked her,

"You looked surprised?"

"Of course." She replied then added, "You see nong, you have the privilege of traveling to many countries visa-free plus ya know 1st world privilege in America. Not sugarcoating what's happening in the states but you get what I mean."

"What is a privilege when you're not happy? I miss the hassle-free travel but going home here and teaching makes me feel fulfilled" I said.

But I do get what she means. Life here is very different than what I grew up with. It's difficult but they get by.

"I understand thou, Jules, what you meant. My life in the states growing up is humble. We are not rich but my mother and stepfather made sure that we have food on the table.

When I first came here to the Philippines I was in culture shock how life is different here. Yet I learn to love my country. Did I sound patriotic? Haha!"

She replied, "Not so much nong haha! You know what we're different but kinda like. I wanted to go abroad to taste a different life. But most importantly, to have freedom from everything I've been through. I refreshing start ba."

She smiled at me while a glimmer of the sun illuminates her face. She glows. Then it sinks into me.

She wants to go so she can heal.

Just like me ages ago.

===N===Juliane's POV===N===

Damn! It's so cliche talking about life while watching the sunset. It's also hot in here. My skin is burning. Haha!

"Yeo Nong you alright?" Why is he looking at me without saying a word?


"Oh sorry I was just lost in words. Haha!" He said.

"Oh haha! You know what nong, you going here from USA and me leaving for abroad it makes our situation opposite haha!"

"True! Haha," He replied. But why does that reply sounds lonely?

"At least before I go, we met again and I'm happy for that." I smiled at him

I'm happy we met and reconnected again. And I'm definitely sure I'm gonna miss him when I'm gone.  


The next update will be on 1/9/2022.

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