79. Meeting him

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"You go girl!" I hear Ridhi as I walk to the boarding area. Why the fuck am I nervous? I am just visiting my boyfriend. There is nothing to be jealous right?

I got on the plane and sat on my seat thinking when I will reach. Ugh God. What if Aadi gets annoyed or what if he didn't want me to visit him. What if he is not even there? Will he be happy when he sees me? Sooooo many questions and I didn't even know answer to one. I was so indulged in my overthinking that before I know it I was standing in front of airport in Dehradun with my suitcase in one hand and phone in other.

I have to say it is really difficult to find a cab that takes you to the military sector. Hundreds of id verification later I was standing in the main office. Ok we are here. Now anytime I will get to see my baby.

Not knowing where to go I walked upto this officer dude. "Excuse me sir but can you tell me where can I find officer Adithya?" I asked him. "May I know who you are and how you know officer Adithya?" He asked politely. "I am Aadhya. I am Adithya's girlfriend." I replied.

"Aadhya!?" Fuck! Aadi? What is he doing here? Ugh my surprise!! He should not have found me this soon. Oh come on. "Aadhya is that you?" I hear Aadi say again this time his voice sounding closer. I turned around and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

Aadi. I finally saw him. He looked fucking good in his uniform. Like damn. I was so lost in admiring him that I didn't even notice when he approached me. "Hi!" I say and a thousand watt smile creeped onto his face. "I will take her from here Anmole. You can continue what you were doing and I will also fill in her name you don't need to do it." Aadi says to the guy I was talking to earlier and takes my suitcase. "Come let's go. Let me take you to my room." He says and started walking. I smiled to the Anmole dude and followed Aadi.

We were walking in comfortable silence. "So you missed me baby?" I asked facing him.
"A lot. I really thought I imagined you standing there. I didn't think you would come to meet me here."
"Of course I would come you idiot." I said and continued "I love walking with you but still how far is the damn room. I am tired."

"Tired by a 2 hour flight?" Aadi questioned. "Excuse me sir but I had night shift yesterday and I couldn't sleep in the morning because I was nervous about your reaction all day." I replied. "And we are here." Aadi said while walking up to the door to open it.

"Well it's not exactly big but this is it." He said and opened the door. It was not bad. The room was actually pretty comfy looking. "I like it." I said as I looked around. Ps - the room was actually a mini house. I don't know why they call this mini house room.

Anyway. The "room" Had a hall a bedroom with attached bathroom a kitchen and a back door which opened to the garden behind the room. There were multiple rooms like these and Aadi's room was the third one to the left as we enter from the gate. There were separate areas for different things. So the room was a bit far from the main office.

Tired I plopped on the bed and stretched my hands and legs. Aadi layed beside me and in an instant I hugged him. He returned my hug and damn I swear I missed the way he smelled. Fuck that sounds creepy.

After a few minutes Aadi asked "When are you going back." I broke the hug and looked at him. "One week later." I replied with a smile followed with a wink. He just laughed and hugged me again.

After 10 minutes Aadi left as he still was on duty and I changed into my comfy pj's and fell asleep.

One week.....


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