96.We did it!

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Ridhi's pov-

Finally! Today is the day. Me and Aadhya were sitting in front of the laptop and eagerly waiting for the website to get activated. I really hope both of us get seat for our specialization in same college.

"It got activated!" Aadhya said and I came back to my senses. "Whose first?" I asked. "I don't know." she said. "Rock, paper, scissors?" I asked and she nodded. "Rock, paper, scissors." we said together. I put scissors and she put rock. "Fuck." I said and she laughed. "Okay, are you ready?" she asked and I nodded my head and closed my eyes tightly and prayed to God. I heard the keys of keyboard clicking. After a minute or something I heard Aadhya call me. "Ridhi." she whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at the screen. I did it! I fucking did it! I had got a seat in one of the top colleges in pune for specialization in psychiatry.

"Congratulations bro. You did it!" Aadhya said. "Thanks. It's your turn now." I said and she took a sharp breath closing her eyes. I typed her register number and after few seconds a window popped up. "Aadhya, YOU DID IT TOO!" I said shouting and she opened her eyes. "Omg yes. We did it." she said and we hugged. "Our colleges are different and moreover mine is far away from our apartment." Aadhya said. "But I don't care, as cardiology is what I always wanted to do." she said smiling and I smiled back at her. "Let's inform this to our parents." she said and got up taking her phone. I called my mom and told her about my results. To be honest, she sounded like the most happiest person in this world. Both my parents congratulated me and were really happy for me and Aadhya. Even Aadhya's parents congratulated me and so did my parents to her.

"So now we have to celebrate. Let's hang out today and I won't take no for the answer." she said getting up and I just rolled my eyes. Soon we were ready and left the apartment to make a great time for ourselves. We shopped, watched a movie, ate delicious food and a lot more. It was around 10 pm by the time we come back to our apartment. "Ahhh! It felt really good to hang out after a long time." Aadhya said popping herself on the couch. I went straight to the kitchen to drink water and took a water bottle to give it to Aadhya.

"Thanks." she said taking the water bottle from my hand and literally gulped everything. "I'm tired. I'll go and sleep now. Good night." I said and went to my room. Changing my clothes I lied down on my bed and checked time. It was 10:30pm. I guess I can call Aarush right now. I immediately called him and he picked up after few rings.

"Hey sweetheart." he said as soon as he picked up and saw me. I smiled at him. "Hey." replied back. "So, what about your results?" he asked. "I did it! I got the seat." I said squealing like a kid. "Wow! Congratulations. I knew you would do it. What about Aadhya?" he asked again. "She did it too." I answered him. "I'm happy for you guys." he said. "But I'm not happy." I said sighing a little. "Why?" he asked raising his eyebrow. "I miss you. I really wish you were here with me today." I said and he chuckled. "I miss you too Ridhi." he said. "It's just not enough to see you virtually like this. I miss your warmth, your hug, your kiss and totally you." I said. He didn't speak anything and just kept looking at me. "Ummm... Say something." I said. "You expect me to speak when you tell things like these? My heart literally skipped a beat. Ugh! I miss you even more now." he said and I laughed.

"It's almost been a month since I saw you and you have no idea of how badly I want to kiss you. If I was there right now, I would have.....", "Okay, okay stop now." I said cutting him down in between. "You are blushing." he said and I hid my face. "I can't wait to meet you Ridhi and when I do I'll make sure to make you feel breathless but for now adjust with this." he said and kissed the camera. Ugh! These butterflies. "When are you coming by the way?" I asked to change the topic. If he keeps on going I know I'm going to faint. "Are you so eager to kiss me?" he said and honestly, I didn't know what to say. "Aarush!" I said and he acted as if someone shot him in the heart. "Ahhh Ridhi, don't call me like that. I'll have a heart attack." he said and I chuckled.

"Okay now seriously, when are you coming?" I asked. "Aadhya and Aadi's wedding is two months away from now so Aadi is going to come three weeks before the wedding and me two weeks before." he said. "What? Two weeks before the wedding? It's after one and a half months. It means you won't be here for your birthday?" I asked. "I wanted to be with you on your birthday." I said pouting a little. "I'm sorry Ridhi. I have a lot of work here and moreover I'm talking a long leave for Aadi's wedding. I need to cover it up." he said and I didn't say anything. "Baby, I'm so sorry." he said and I still remained silent not looking at him. "Sweetheart, look at me." he again said and I looked at him. "It's your first birthday after we met. I really wanted to be with you." I said. "I know and I want to be with you too but, I can't help. You know what? We will cover it up when I come back. Okay?" he said and I nodded my head.

"Okay then, it's decided. I need to hang up right now Ridhi. I'm so proud of you. Congrats once again. I miss you and I love you. Bye." he said. "Bye. Love you more." I replied back. He once again kissed the camera and hung up. Wow! I really miss him so much. Keeping my phone on the night stand, I switched off the lights and drifted of into deep slumber thinking I would atleast meet him in my dreams.

Aadhya's pov-

As soon as Ridhi went to her room, I went into mine. I had to call Aadi and inform him about the results. He had been so busy these days and we couldn't talk properly to each other.

I called him and he picked up after a few rings. "Hey baby, guess what?" I said as soon as he picked up. "You did it right? You got the seat. I knew you would do it." he said. "Aadi, what's up? You look tired." I asked looking at him. "Yeah, I just got off work." he said. "You need to stop over working. It's bad for your health baby. Take rest for now. Bye, I'll hang up." I said and he immediately spoke. "No baby, wait. I felt good once I heard your voice. Just speak to me." he said and I smiled.

"Ummm, so when are you coming?" I asked. "Three weeks before our wedding." he said. "Ohh God Aadhya, I miss you so much. I just can't wait to make you mine." he continued and yeah, my cheeks as usual betrayed me. "I miss you too. The wedding still seems so far away." I said sighing. "Right now, I just want to cuddle with you so that all this tiredness goes away." he said making me go crazy for him. "I wish too, but Aadi you need to rest right now. I won't listen to anything. Just imagine me beside you stroking your hair and close your eyes. Okay?"  I said and he nodded. "Bye. I'll hang up now. I love you." I said. "Love you too, and can't wait to see you. Bye." he said and hung up.

I really can't wait to see him too feel him drown in his warmth hug.
'Just few more weeks Aadhya and he will be yours.' my subconscious said and I agreed. Thinking about him and his touch, I slid into my dreamworld.

Hey guys,
So sorry for the late update, but anyways here it is.
Hope you liked it.
Please comment your thoughts.

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