13. Argumentative

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"So you made Jim a Vespa night light and made your cousin a working robot from scratch? On top of that you've never even mentioned any of your family! How long have you had a cousin for and why haven't you made her anything for her birthday before now-"

I cut off Toby's rant by raising my hand as I finished fiddling with my bag zip, and pushing back on him with my own argument.

"Just because I don't talk about my life outside of school to much doesn't mean I don't have any family, ok?" I growled a little to harshly.

I saw Toby's eye brows hug closer to his eyes as he picked up on the tone of my voice. He threw the model Vespa at me almost sending it crashing into the wall if I hadn't caught it.

"That's the thing though, isn't it Y/n? Me and Jimbo are nothing but honest with you but we've never even met your family!" Toby whined not wanting to be proven wrong or lose to argument.

"I don't have to tell you or Jimbo anything if I don't want to! It's my life and I don't want you knowing certain things! Besides what would you and Jim know about honesty when your constantly sneaking off and not telling me things!"

"Well maybe if you told us things we'd return the favour! In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't have a family at this point!" Toby yelled louder then either of us had expected.

"Is everything ok up there Toby Pie? I can hear a lot of noise" came an old and shaky voice from down stairs.

"I'm fine Nana!" Toby called back his eyes still glaring at me.

I glared back before slinging my bag over my shoulder and turning to the windowsill, the breeze from the open window ruffling my h/c hair.

"I don't trust your robot excuse as far as I can throw it. Your a liar Y/n, I don't know what that freaky cat is but your covering something up for sure" Toby scorned sternly.

Without replying, I crept closer to the window sill feeling a slight shuffle from Ember inside my bag.

I climbed through the window and scaled the twisting tree down to the ground. I ended up jumping down half the way giving my ankles a little wobble in the process.

I could feel Toby's glare following me as I stalked off.

I dropped Jim's Vespa off at his door with a post it note saying happy birthday and who it was from.

I glanced briefly back at Toby's house before strolling down the street with my eyes glued to the sun-lit floor.

I felt shuffling inside my bag as Ember wriggled out and landed on the pavement.

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