Wait, WHAT?!

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 Y/N's POV:

  "Wait, WHAT?!" I said with wide eyes. "Yeah! He really likes you Y/N, he never shuts up about you ever since I introduced you." Mirabel said. And then it hit her. What she said. "OH SHOOT-" I start blushing and bury my face into my pillow. 

*Time skip to the Gift Ceremony*

  I walked down the stairs because Mirabel already left with Antonio. Once I get downstairs I see crowds of people coming inside, I look out the door and see Camilo shape-shifting into people when he greets them. I smile and my cheeks give out a slight pink. He's actually kinda cute, what a gentleman. No! What are you thinking Y/N! He doesn't like you, Mirabel was probably just messing with me again. Or was she... I got lost in my thoughts and forgot that I was at a party full of people for a second. Not even a second later a feel someone grab onto my waist/ I hear a familiar voice say, "Hola Bonita, what are you up to?" I blush and try to get away but he just tightens his grasp. I was about to say something but he rested his head on my shoulder. His breath was so warm, and his grasp was firm, but gentle. Really Camilo?! My gosh, kill me or I'm gonna pass out from blushing so hard.

  After a few seconds he lifts his head and grabs my hand instead of my waist. "Follow me amo- A-Amiga.." Camilo said with a red face. He took me upstairs to his room and shut the door. "Why did you bring me up here Camilo?" I said with a questionable face. "Just follow me Bonita," he said and he took me over to a ladder in his room. We climb up it and we get to the roof eventually. "Wow...This is a beautiful view Camilio!" I say and look back over at me, but he was already staring at me. "C-camilo..?" "Not as beautiful as the view I'm staring at right now Hermosa." He said with a wink. My eyes open wide as I stare at him and turn into a FREAKING TOMATO. He finally looked away and leaned back onto la casita's roof. I do the same and look up at the moon. It was full tonight.

"Hey Camilio?"

"Yes Bonita~?" 

"My mom always tells me that whenever there is a full moon, you can make a wish. Kind of like a shooting star!"

"Really bonita?"

He sat up and looked at me like he was really intrigued. "Yeah! What do you want to wish for?" I ask preparing myself for the worst. He laid back down with his hands behind his head. "Well, I wish for you to be my Compañera." He said, I don't think he realized what he said but my mind changed a moment later when he shot up and stared at me with a face so red he could attract an airplane. "I-I'M SO SORRY Y/N!!! I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT WHAT I JUST SAID-!" He said panicking, he started freaking out and saying so many things in spanish but I have no clue what he was saying. 30 minutes later we finally went back downstairs and Tia Pepa yelled for Camilo to meet her at the top of the stairs. He turned to face me and gave my hand a kiss. "Till' after the ceremony, Hermosa~" He said with a wink. I turned my head to try and hide the redness emerging from my cheeks. But he took my chin and turned my head to face him. He gave me a light peck on the cheek and walked away. "Dork-" I mumbled under my breath. I guess I was giving off a glow because Tia Julieta came over to me with an arepa made by her and she asked if I was alright. I said I was fine and walked over to all the people. 

*After the ceremony*

  The ceremony was over now so I was looking around for Mirabel when I feel someone grab me by my waist and pull me over to the side. For a minute I thought it was Camilo but I looked at the person holding me and I saw some random dude. "Uhm- Hello?" I said nervousely. "Hola mi amor~" The guy said. I felt really uncomfortable and frantically looked around for someone to help me. He grabbed me by my chin making me look him in the eyes. "What's wrong hermosa? Look at me." That last part sent shivers down my spine. Like he was trying to control me. Right as he was about to pull me in for a kiss I didn't give consent to, he got flung back. I stepped back and let out a breath I had no clue I was holding in. I heard a familiar voice say, "Who are you?" Praise God, Camilo. The guy said, "WHAT THE HECK MAN?! SHES MINE!" Camilo said, "I don't think so, Y/N over here looked pretty uncomfortable." Well who are you to tell me this.?" Said the dude so confidently. "Camilo Madrigal." Oh gosh, he said that so hot- Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! But he said it so proud-  "T-THE Camilo Madrigal?!" The guy said in a panicked tone. No one wants to mess with a Madrigal.

Camilo's POV:

"Camilo Madrigal." I said. I was so angry at this dude. What was he thinking going up to Y/N like that?!  

"T-THE Camilo Madrigal?!" The guy said like a dork.

"Your one and only," I said with a smirk. But that smirk didn't last long before I glared at him. No one messes with Y/N.

The dude ran away like a chicken and I stood there proudly knowing i protected Y/N. I was about to turn around and say something but Y/N came up and hugged me. At first I was surprised, but then I realized that this was my chance. I hugged her back and picked her up bridal style and ran outside. "CAMILO!" Y/N said as I kept running. We finally got where I wanted to be, out in the backyard there was a swing. I put Y/N down and she stood there in awe. I looked down at her because she was a few inches shorter than me and her expression was just- Oh my gosh- She looks so cute. She looks really adorable when she's amazed. "Wow Camilo, thanks for bringing me here!" She said with a small laugh. I let out a chuckle and led her over to the swing. I thought I finally built up enough courage to tell Y/N I liked her so I was about to tell her how much I liked her but at that moment Dolores came out through the back door. "Camilo! Mami has been looking for you everywhere!!!" She said in an angry tone, but that did not last when she saw Y/N standing next to me. 

  I decided to be bold and grabbed her hand, but did not look at her. "Ohh, this is where you've been." Dolores said like I just proposed to Y/N. "Uhm- yeah? What about it?!" I said gripping Y/N's hand tighter, but gently. "Ohh nothing. Why don't you invite her over to dinner tomorrow?" She said and then I decided to look over at Y/N. She was as red as a tomato! She was looking down at our hands and almost passed out. "Ok, now go away!" I said as I shood her back inside the house, still not letting go of Y/N's hand. "Now Hermosa, you seem like you don't like me hand holding yours very much?" I wanted to see her adorable reaction. She always turns red and tries to hide it. It's hilarious. "N-NO! I MEAN YES- I MEAN- URGHHH!" She said as she tried to bury her face in her hand she had free. I grabbed that hand gently, but firmly and looked her in her eyes. She has the most beautiful e/c eyes I have ever seen. I could tell she was actually examining my face carefully. I guess she noticed my freckles because her eyes trailed along my face. Now that, that was cute. "I never knew you had freckles gwapo." She said with a giggle. That made me blush really hard and I started shifting into other people out of excitement.  

Y/N's POV:

He was shifting between me, Mirabel, Tia Pepa, and some other people I didn't know. I laughed and gave him a light peck on his cheek and suddenly he stopped shifting. He just looked me in my eyes, I thought we were about to actually kiss when we heard squeals. Squeals from some VERY specific people. Cami and I looked at eachother with an annoyed glare and looked back at the door. This whole time he was still gripping onto my hand. Once they noticed nothing was happening we watched all of the females in the family but Mirabel slowly open the door with a guilty face. I couldn't help but laugh a little and I heard Camilo do his iconic chuckle. Man, he is really cute.. But I looked back at the door and Dolores looked annoyed. "A-Are you ok Dolores???" I said. "NO! MY LITTLE BROTHER WAS ABOUT TO GET HIS FIRT KISS AND THESE ESTUPIDAS DECIDED TO RUIN THE MOMENT!!!" She yelled, she then realized and calmed herself down. "O-Oh, uhm... I'm, sorry?" Not knowing what to say. I looked over at Camilo and saw he was as red as a tomato.

  Just as I was about to say something again we all hear Mirabel ome running into the main room and scream, "CASITA IS BREAKING!!!!" Camilo and I exchange a worried glace.

A/N: Hello everyone! I just want to say that this story is with a female reader. Im sorry. 😅 Also this story takes place in 2022 instead of the 1950's. Love you, cya in part 3!

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