A bundle of flowers

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(I know I put this part another way in the last part, I just wanted to give y'all options. Love you!)

Y/N's POV:

  I walk down the stairs, nervously clenching the side of my dress. I finally reach the bottom of the stairs and I exhale shakily. "I don't wanna go in there alone. I wish Camilo was here..." I mutter under my breath. "Wish granted hermosa~" Camilo flirts, poking his head out from behind a pillar. I let out a small scream. Camilo's smirk disappears and a worried expression appears on his face. "O-Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." He says walking over to me, extending his arms out towards me. "Good lord Cami, it's ok amor," I chuckle. 

  He gives me a hug and I give out a calm exhale. "We have to go in there, huh?" I laugh. He chuckles and brings his arms down to my waist. I place my arms on his chest, my hands holding his shoulders. "Sadly, yes mi vida." He mumbles. "M-MI VIDA?!" I whisper shout. "Shh, just enjoy it amor." He chuckles, burying his head into my neck. I stutter, but nothing comes out.

  "Let's go." Camilo scoffs. He releases his grasp from around my waist and clutches my hand. "Let's go." I say rolling my eyes. (I know I put this part another way in the last part, I just wanted to give y'all options. Love you!) We walk into the dining room and everyone stares at us. "Uhm.. Hola Señora Guzman, Mister Mariano." I stutter, trying to break the silence in the room. I freeze up and start to shake a little. I guess Camilo noticed, because he wrapped his arm around my waist, releasing his hand from mine. 

  "Oh! Señora Guzman, this is Y/n. I offered for her to be here for this.. Wonderful experience. Since she is a friend on ours." Abuela says, smiling at me nervously. "Wonderful! Come sit, come sit!" Señora Guzman exclaims excitedly after a long silence. Both Camilo and I let out a hard exhale. We walk over to the table and I sit down next to Mirabel and Cami.

  "Hey bestie!" Mirabel says happily. "Hi!" I smile. Everyone is talking and eating. Camilo nudges me. "Yes?" I say. "You look beautiful tonight amor~" Camilo flirts. I turn a bright red and bury my face in my hands. Camilo has a small blush appear on his cheeks as well. "T-Thanks I g-guess..." I stutter. I look over to Mirabel and she's smirking. 

Suddenly, a flower appears in my hair. "What the-" I look over to Isabella. She smiles gently at me. "Oh, t-thank you!" I smile back. "Your welcome, you look very nice!" She says. "You as well!" I say happily. She grins and goes back to talking to Mariano. 

After the Dinner:

  "Wait!!!" I say, running after the Guzmans. "Y/n!" Camilo says running after me. He catches me and grabs my around the waist. "CAMILO WHAT THE HECK?!" I yell looking back at him. "Y/n! Calm down, it's just a proposal!" He laughs. "But Isabella must be horribly sad! I want to help!" I scoff. "It's ok, it's not your responsibility." He smiles. I calm myself and hug him. "I guess your right." I smile. "Wanna go to my room?" He says, looking at me. "Sure!" I grin. And we walk up to his room.

  "So what now?" He says shutting his magical door. "I don't know, games?" I suggest. "Sure! Casita, can you get a blanket?" He says looking around his room. Not even a moment later a blanket gets thrown in his arms. "What the-" "Did you forget? My rooms magic." Camilo interrupts. "Oh." I say as my eyes widen. "So what game?" He asks me. "Hm, Minecraft?" I say. "Sure!" He says, grabbing my arm and dragging me over to his gaming setup. 

1 hour later:

  "Hey Cami?" I say to him. "Yes hermosa?" He replies. "When's your birthday?" I ask him. "Oh! February 14!" He smiles. (It is unknown what his birthday is.) "Valentines Day? Explains why your such a flirt." I laugh. "Hm, guess so." He says exiting the game. I do the same and go over to him. "What do you want for your birthday?" I say giving him a hug, he pulls me in his lap and I sit. My legs dangling on the side of the chair. "For you to be my Compañera amor." He smirks. I blush and bury my head into his chest. "Tulala..." I mutter under my breath. "Your one and only idiot." He smiles. He wraps the dark brown blanket around us and I fall asleep in his arms.

In the middle of the night:

   I blink my eyes open and look around. Why is it so dark? I look down. Aw, Cami never got up. I smile. He's so cute, but I should probably get up. I roll my eyes and move Camilo's hands off of me. It was hard, but I manage to escape. I stumble over to his bed and check my phone. 12:30?!?! I need to get home! I frantically look around. I get my small backpack and put my dirty clothes in it. I get the thermometer from earlier and take my temperature.

  96, good. Señorita Julieta's soup did help. I smile and grab my phone. I throw my backpack over my shoulders and slip on my shoes. I crack Camilo's magical door open and try to slide out, but get interrupted with a, "Ahem?" I freeze. Oh boy...  I gulp. "Y-Yes?" I whisper turning my head. I turn around fully and see Camilo standing up, crossing his arms. I gulp again. "Where do you think YOUR going?" He says with an attitude. "U-Uh... N-No where!" I smile. 3, 2, 1... NOW! I flip around and sprint out the door. "Casita! Little help?" I whisper and Casita makes the stairs tiles into a slide. I slide down the on my feet and jump off. I look behind me and see Camilo running after me. I giggle nervously and start sprinting out the main doors. 

  I make it about halfway down the hill in the front yard before I stop to catch my breath. "Gosh darn! It's hard running in a dress!" I pant. I hear footsteps behind me and stand up. I try to run away but feel Cami grab me. "Not again Y/n." I hear him pant. "Cami! I have to go home!" I scoff. "Well, you could have TOLD ME. It's like 1:00 in the morning!" He whisper shouts. "Ugh." I say, rolling my eyes. We stand there for a minute before he breaks the silence, "Hey Y/n?" 

"Yes?" I say.

"W-Would you want to... Y'know.." He trails off.

"Mhm?" I say turning around. He still doesn't let go of me. 

"Do you wanna go out with me?!" He blurts out turning his head. He's pushing his eyes shut and blushing like never before. 

I smile, "Of course."

  I stand onto my tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye now!" And I pull away from his grasp. And with that, I run home.

Camilo's POV:

  Y/n runs home and I just stand there in shock. "D-Did I just pull that off?" I mumble. My eyes widen and a smile forms on my face. I thrown my fist in the air and start silently celebrating, mouthing stuff like; LETS GOOO! And, WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! And then it hit me, I forgot to ask her what time. Camilo your so stupid. Oh well, I'll just stop by her house tomorrow. And I walk home.

A/N: Hello loves! I know that this chapter is VERY short, but I wanted to give y'all SOMETHING. So the 2nd part to this will be out today or tmr. Byeee! ❤️😘

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