An Apology

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"The escalating dispute between the Tokyo Manji Gang has now claimed more innocent victims... on July 1st, six were injured in this incident and one was sent to the hospital but is in cardiopulmonary arrest. The ones who died at the scene have been identified as 25 year old Naoto Tachibana, from Shibuya Tokyo, and his older sister, 26 year old Hinata Tachibana, also from Shibuya..."

"Wow, just 3 days ago? It's so tragic. Those siblings... they were so young..."

You turn away from the TV to look at the cafe owner who had commented on the news report.

"...Yeah." You respond quietly. You take a small sip of your warm drink and return to the book you had open beside you. The owner sighs at your unwillingness to talk and she returns to drying the clean glasses on the diner counter to the right of her. You let out a soft sigh of your own and take another sip of your beverage as you try to focus on reading when the TV distracts you for a second time.

"... These were not the first victims of the terror attacks from the unpredictable criminals of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Earlier this year, 48 year old Akiko L/n, and her 51 year old husband Kousuke L/n, had also lost their lives about 4 months ago on March 10th, 2017. The only survivor was-"


You turn back to the owner at her sudden concerned shriek.

"Dear, are you alright? Use this," the older woman says handing you a clean rag. You look down and see you had spilled your drink all over yourself and the counter.

"Oh, I apologize ma'am. I didn't mean to cause you trouble. I'll clean this up," you say quickly.

"Don't worry about it. Please take care of yourself first." She says picking up the empty mug. "There's a bathroom in the back. Feel free to use it."

"Thank you. Excuse me then," you say quickly standing up. You make your way to the bathroom and once inside you lock the door. You stand awkwardly in front of the sink and begin to clean your clothes with water from the tap. As you do so, you take notice of the 26 year old hot mess of woman in front of you.

Oh, it's just my reflection...

You try your best to ignore the shabby-looking girl in the mirror copying your every move and instead focus on the task at hand. Once all evidence of stains from your spilled beverage were off your clothing, you splash the cold water from the faucet onto your face. You dry yourself with paper towels provided when you suddenly feel hot tears rolling down your face.

Akiko L/n and Kousuke L/n. Your parents... were unfairly taken from this world in an incident involving Toman, the most dangerous gang Tokyo has ever seen.

Since their deaths, you couldn't help but become depressed on your own, shutting everyone out and cutting all ties with family and friends, including your older sister. You missed her terribly, but it had already been so long since she's reached out and every previous time she did, you ruthlessly pushed her kindness away. What right did you have to reach out now? She had her own life to live being a doctor and all. She didn't need to look out for her no-good little sister too.

And so, 4 months of doing whatever the hell you've been doing since your parents' deaths, has turned you into the scruffy-looking woman in the reflection you desperately tried to avoid. You couldn't stand the coward you saw when you looked in the mirror, so you decided it was best not to look at all.

Though Toman took a huge portion of your happiness, it was you who deprived yourself of the rest of it. The gangsters of Shibuya had little to nothing to do with that.

With another sigh, you dry your eyes with the paper towel in your hand and find your composure.

It's time for me to go. I've stayed here long enough.

And with that, you leave your daily cafe stop. The next task in your never-changing daily routine was to head to work.


You now find yourself standing in the line for the subway, waiting for your train to arrive when your thoughts stray back to events reported on the news this morning.

Toman again... those bastards know no limit. Don't they realize what they're doing? Or is it that they do and simply don't care...?

You hear the distant sounds of the train so you step closer to the edge of the platform. You look to the side to see the train's arrival when you notice a young man about your age standing a couple of feet away from you. He seemed aloof, his gaze never leaving the ground. The look in his eyes seemed very familiar, one very similar to yours.

Perhaps he too lost someone important to him...

You turn away from him, not wanting to be rude by staring, but a moment later the young man unexpectedly loses his balance out of nowhere. He instinctively reaches out to regain himself but instead pulls you along with him down onto the tracks. With a loud thud, you both land in the middle of the train's course. Without a word, you both stare at each other with wide eyes as the horn of the 130mph train alarms its arrival.

I see... so this is where I meet my end. Alone, other than the stranger next to me... it seems appropriate considering everything I've done to isolate myself from everyone I know. I deserve it. It's nobody's fault but mine. Only... there's one thing I regret not doing. I wish I was able to see my sister one last time to tell her...

I'm sorry.



"Y/n... Wake up. You're gonna be late."

You groggily attempt to open your eyes only to close your eyelids once again due to your blurred vision and the bright lighting surrounding you.

"Hey! I know you're awake! I saw your eyes fluttering!"

You groan and turn over on your side. I suddenly feel so tired... I don't want to open my eyes just yet.

"Damn it, Y/n. I said get... UP!"

You feel an unexpectedly large force jump on you and the shock instantly wakes you. You groan in annoyance and struggle under the weight to confront your assailant face to face. "What's your pro...blem?" You stop mid-sentence and your eyes go wide.

No way... no way!

"Good morning sleepy head~"


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