Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right

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Hinata ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :
Your brother is still going to Takemichi's house today, right?

Yup. You'll definitely see him then.

Hinata ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :
I can't wait!!! (*≧∀≦*)

"You okay kiddo?" Your father uses his magazine to tap your phone, effectively grabbing your attention. "You've been staring at your screen this entire time."

You clear your throat and set down your phone. "Yeah, everything's fine." You pick up your eating utensils and continue eating and your parents give each other a secret look, but you pretend not to notice.

"You've been going out more than usual lately. Have you and Hinata found a new hobby?" Your mother asks.

"Yeah. We like to look at the lights at night time. We talk about random stuff, you know, teenager stuff."

"I see..." She responds, unconvinced.

Shit. I really am a bad liar. Are Mikey and Draken even believing our bullshit?

"You don't have to hide it Y/n," Rin speaks up.

Your heart leaps into your throat and you whip your head to look at her. "What do you mean?" You ask, now clearly panicked.

"Hide what?" Your mother responds.

Oh no. She's not gonna tell them that I'm from the future or that I'm meeting with gangsters is she?? I never told her not to, but I figured that was an unspoken agreement!!

"She's been having a blast going to the gym. It helps her get her energy out, so she goes there often."

"Is that so?" Your mother says surprised. "You're enjoying your gym classes?"

"Um, yeah. It's super fun." You exhale softly and you begin to calm down.

That is if you define fun by getting thrown around and constantly blocking kicks and jabs by someone twice my size... then yeah. Extremely fun.

"That's wonderful! I would've gotten you a membership sooner if I had known it made you this happy," your mother says with a bright smile. She squeezes your shoulder and goes to the kitchen.

"It keeps me at ease too, knowing you know how to protect yourself," your father pitches in.

"I'm going again today," you say. I believe today's events are going to be a mental workout, so... not that big of a lie?

"Alright. Just make sure you don't overdo it or you'll hurt yourself."

"I won't."

Your dad pinches your nose and then gently bonks your head with his newspaper as he stands up from the table. "I've got to get going now. Don't want to be late for work."

"I'll drive you, I have errands to run anyway," your mother says walking out of the kitchen. "Do you girls need anything from the store? I'm planning on going while I'm out."

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