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|quackity pov|

I woke up to a bright light beaming into my eyes. "GOODMORNING QUACKITY" karl shouted, "Vete a la mierda" I muttered, "what???????" He said curiously, I got up to go get my clothes and shower while Karl was questioning what it meant. I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I finished and put on my clothes, a blue Adidas jacket with stripes on the side, with black pants and a beanie with LAFD on it. I left the bathroom got my bag and my phone then went out the door with Karl.

We heard shouting behind us as we walk out our door, it was Sapnap and a blonde dude who I don't recognize, "Ayo Quackity look its Sapnap" Karl whispered so they couldnt hear us, "Whos that blonde guy?" I questioned the taller. "No idea" he quickly answered. I checked the time on my phone, 7:31 just almost late for class, and my first one is with Karl thank god. We walk into the class and we sit down our usual seats, we never really noticed but sapnap was actually in our first period too, class wasn't that boring cause Mr. Wilbur made it fun, I was never listened in history but its really fucking interesting.

The bell rings and I have a free period next, Karl has math next so I cant really do anything exept scroll though twitter. Im wandering the halls on my phone as I bump into somebody, "Holy shit im so sorry" he said while giving a hand out to help me up, "Wait you're the guy from the arcade! Its me sapnap!" He said exitedly. "Oh yeah! Hey dude!" I said as I was getting up, "Where's your friend? I think his name was Karl?" He asked giving me a questioning look, "Oh yeah hes in math rn I have a free period." I told him as we were walking down the empty halls

|sapnap pov|
"Oh cool me too!" I said "Wanna hangout to know eachother more n shit?" He said pointing to the library I nodded and we headed inside the room.

We were silent for a few minutes but Quackity brought up a topic about gaming and stuff, we talked about alot of stuff honestly, its like we just clicked. 'I really like this dude' I thought to myself while checking the time, 11:23 "oh shit sorry quack gotta go I still have computer class," i said in a hurry, "Oh you have that class too? Ill go with you!" He said as we were bolting to the exit of the library hoping not to be late.

We arrive at the class with some weird stares as to why we were the last ones to get here, but the teacher didn't mind and just told us to take our seats. "Okay class we're gonna have the quiz!" The whole class groans at this announcement. Mr. Philza is really nice but I hate his quizzes, they're so hard honestly. He passes the test papers and tells us a goodluck. We all finish the test and Mr. Philza dismisses us early. "Hey Sapnap, who's the blonde dude you were with earlier?" Quackity asks as I was getting stuff and putting them in my bag, "Oh! Dream? He's been my best friend since childhood" I say while getting up to go out of the class. We walk out of the class going our separate ways since we have different classes this time.

|Karl pov|
The bell rang for lunch, then I went to the usual spot me and quackity ate lunch at, but I saw more than one person in the spot. It was Sapnap, Quackity, a blonde person? And George I think, me and George have math together so i consider us as friends, no, more like acquaintances.

I walk up to the group saying my greetings, Sapnap introduces me to the two, the blonde is named Dream? Why Dream? "Why is your nickname Dream?" I asked. "Sapnap gave the nickname to me because I was 'Dreamy'" He laughed, and I saw George clinging onto him like a cat I brushed it off and continued to eat and talk with the newly found group.

|Authors notes|
Shout out to my friend w helping me with grammar here:) @aehoaewhewahae

709 words

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