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|third person pov|
The video starts.

"HELLO MY BELOVED FIANCÉS! or husbands if you see this" he laughs "ANYWAYS! If your seeing this its probably our wedding day! Its our first valentines day as fiancés today, 2/14/2022. We're getting married in april! As you know, Dream is officating our wedding since the church doesnt want poly gay couples."

A few more videos of this play on. Everyone's in tears as the sweet video ends.

"Karllllll" Quackity and Sapnap whines as he goes to hug their husband. The three smile and continue on with the reception event.

A few minutes pass by, all the guests are eating their food, as the trio are passing by the tables taking pictures. A few more activities pass by and the reception ends.

"Before the event ends lets look at the picture colladge, and video that this amazing team made! Enjoy" the host smiles as the lights dim and a video plays.

Some cheeky wedding music starts playing as a powerpoint looking picture colladge plays. A few photos of them saying their vows, slicing cake, dancing, some of the photos were guests crying, etc.

The next video plays and it was basically the same thing but it was a video, not pictures.

The reception ends and the three go to their desired honeymoon place.
(I dont wanna write nfsw ^__^ so its gonna b a time skip to 2 years!)

2 years later.. the three decided to adopt a cat instead of a child. They had three, one named fire, one named neva, and the last one named kinoko. They loved all three cats very much and lived a happy life in their house.

A/n 's notes

I'm really gonna miss this, i didnt know how to end it honestly im glad you all loved it though! Make sure to check out Strawberry Milkshakes too! Im trying to make another chapter for it soon. Also follow my twt: @dnflttrs. Anyways thank you all soso much for the love on arcade, and thats a wrap! See you on Strawberry Milkshakes or my twt ^__^

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