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"im really gonna miss thi- siddhar-!" she screech into the quiet night when he all of a sudden picks her up and carries her bridal-style into the sea, and tosses her into the water. Arms flailing midair, she is catapulted into the waves like a pebble. The cold hits her curled spine first, harsh and shocking. Then it detonates within her, a volcano of ice numbing all her senses and aching her bones. When she finds her bearings and gasp up for air, she sees him, ocean up to his knees, head whipped back in laughter, clutching his tensing core, eyes pinched into crescents as the most warming sound leaves his mouth.

"you piece of shit!" she lunge for him, but her limbs feel heavy in the water, restricting the power of her attack that he dodges so effortlessly. But she doesn't give up so easily. Tide washing her towards him, she launches again, saltine droplets splattering all over his face.

Resigning, siddharth lets her drag him by the hand away from the shore, waddling clumsily against the stubborn current that he is determined to push her back to the beach. The chill is licking at her skin, seeping into her hair that splays out in floating silk tendrils. she stopped walking on the sand now, instead spreading onto her front and allowing your swimming arms and paddling legs to move her. Water up to his chest, she sees the goosebumps rise on his skin, star-freckled sea reflecting wavering diamond silhouettes onto his chiseled front. Following the defined protrusion of his salient collarbones, then the sleek inward curve of his neck, her
gaze arrives at his face. His strong brow never fails to strike her, tongue loitering out between his folded lips; brown tufts of salt-kissed, breeze-licked hair a mess but a masterpiece still. Eyes painted with a warm summer glimmer, sapphire and still, he observes her from where he stands. The fluttering in her heart is now indistinguishable from her shivering due to the wet cold.

"Come on, let's swim out a bit further" He nods to the open ocean, refusing to spare her from his pinning stare. Body heavy from the alcohol, the cold, she dives below the surface. With her water-blurred vision, she swim after his slow walking legs, bubbles you release tickling her face. she grapple onto his ankle, hear his muffled yelp and stifle a mischievous giggle.Launching off the sand bed, she lurches up to the surface, inhaling sharply at her first breath of air. she pushes her hair back to see siddharth regard you with a mystical expression.

"It's too deep here" she whines, "I can't touch the floor" Not particularly athletic, treading water in order to stay afloat is wearing her down.

"Hold on to me then, shortass" he chuckles and holds out his hand which she quickly grabs onto. With the stability he provides, she pulls herself up his arm like a buoy line and perches her elbow on his shoulder. Which draws her unexpectedly close to his face. Nose mere inches from his chin. she smell his familiar honey musk. Unfazed by her proximity, his arm circles behind her before landing one her waist, the warmth of his touch blooming like flowers on her skin. this was the first time doing this since she had accepted her feelings.

"Better?" Vibrations of his throat hum into her core. "Thanks" she balanced on his shoulder sliding so she snake her arm around his neck, hoisting her body up against his. The contact snaps a cord inside her, sensation of him tingling everywhere you touch.

"You're such a little princess" He rolls his eyes theatrically in sarcasm, but his smirk betrays his mouth. "Shut up,you love it" she spat. A droplet of water is trickling along the edge of his jaw, her focus is transfixed at its smooth descent to his chin. their bodies are bobbing with the calm waves, up, down, up, down.

Then their eyes lock and-Fuck.
she wants him.
he wants her.
their drunk,
fuck love,
fuck feelings
fuck everything.
they really fucking want each other.
right now.
right here.

siddharth's glare sends the flames of hell all the way down to her core. one tilt, that's all it takes to kiss right now. His fingers are sinking into her tender waist, and immediately she wants them inside her. "I do love it" He slides his cheek against hers and traces the bridge of her nose with the tip of his.

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