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Moonbin couldn't sleep in the whole night. He was crying bitterly. He knows it very well that tomorrow will be the last date with Eunwoo. May be they won't see each other after the end of the date. But he knows it better that he need to tell Eunwoo everything by himself before he gets to know it from anyone else. May be both of them can find a solution for this problem. Even though he knew that there isn't any way out of this puzzle, still he was hoping for the best. He can't destroy 3 lives at the same time. He doesn't know Sanha very well, but within this short period of time he realizes that he can't hurt him too. He is too innocent to be played with someone else. So Moonbin was thinking every possible way to call of the wedding without hurting his mom. But every time he come back to square 1. Even before he realizes, It was already 4 pm. So he get ready with the remaining strength and courage that he have left. He left for the mall. At the living room he finds his father doing something in his laptop. He call for Bin and ask him to sit for a while. Moonbin sits down lowering his head to hide his red and fluffy eyes. He even wear glasses but it wasn't helping much

Mr Moon: How was was meeting with Sanha? I mean You will be getting married in next Sunday? Do you like him?

B: Does it really matters?

Mr Moon: I know it doesn't matter but at least I should ask you. I know Sanha is a good boy and he will keep you happy. I just want to make sure that you will do the same.

B: Dad, I've already told you that I'm doing this only for my Mom. So no matter how much I'll be suffering in future I won't run away from my responsibility. He will always be my responsibility. And I'm sure you aren't expecting me to accept him or love him, right? Because that's never gonna happen.
Saying this Bin stand up and leave from there avoiding all the calls from his dad. He gets on his car and leave the house.

Mr Moon: sigh... I know you already like Sanha but aren't ready to accept because of your feelings for that Buddhist boy. I'm sure Sanha will make his place in your heart sooner. And one day you will realize that my choice was the best.

Moonbin reach the said XY Mall and went directly towards their usual meeting place. They normally meet at the rooftop cafe of that mall. So Bin was looking at the sky aimlessly while waiting for Eunwoo. Suddenly he felt a soft pair of hand closing his eyes. He felt like crying remembering that probably it is the last time they are sharing this sweet moment.

B: Baby I know your smell and you know that right.?

He gently remove the hands and here goes the most handsome man on the earth is standing Infront of him wearing a cap, mas and hoodie. As he is a famous and renowned model, so he can't come to any public place without disguising. It always creat ruckus. Still the mask was failing to hide his beauty.

EW: How come you never fail to recognize me even when I change my perfume?

B: No perfume in this world can hide your true smell. It's that much sweet. And I love it.

Eunwoo blush at this and hurriedly place their order trying to change the topic. He have a lots of good news for his Bin. So he was excited from the beginning. But was surprised to see bin sitting all silent. They are boyfriends for over 5 years. So Eunwoo knows everything about Bin. So he is sure that something is bothering him. So he decides to ask him.

Ew: Baby, what happened? Is everything all right? You are looking tensed.

B: I have something to tell you. But first let me hear your good news. Why are you so excited today.?

EW: Guess what, a super famous fashion house of Paris contacts with my manager a few weeks ago. They are offering me a 3 year contract with them. They want me to work with them for 3 years in Paris. And best part is they are ok even if I want to have an open relationship, or if I get married during the contract period. So I've accepted the offer.

B: Wow, congratulations. It's really a good news. That's a big opportunity for your career. And I'm glad that you accept the offer. I'm so proud of you.

EW: Thank you. I wanted to surprise you.. that's why I didn't tell you earlier. Sorry about that.

B: It's absolutely fine

The waiter then serve their drink and food. Bin wasn't feeling the apatite to have anything. Still he doesn't want to spoil the little happy moments that they got. So he start to eat. After finishing Eunwoo ask him to buy ice cream from the shop downstairs for both of them. Bin didn't suspect anything as it's Eunwoo's favorite ice cream shop. So he went downstairs to buy it. He decides to tell Eunwoo everything after returning with the ice cream. But when he returns he was utterly surprised to see the changes in arrangements of the cafe. There wasn't anyone except for some staff and some musicians. They were playing some romantic songs. The place was decorated with beautiful lights, balloons and flowers Patels... Even Eunwoo wasn't there. Bin for a moment thought that may be he is in the wrong place. So he was about to go away from there, when someone caught his wrist. He looks behind to find Eunwoo standing there without any mask wearing the biggest smile that he have ever seen. Eunwoo take him to the middle and offer him to dance with him. Bin accept his hand and they start to move their body with the beautiful music. After a while Eunwoo stops abruptly making Bin confused. Then the most surprising thing happened. Eunwoo was on his knees holding a beautiful box.

EW: Binnah, we know each other for like forever. You were even my secret crush for over 10 years. I was afraid to ask you out back at that time. I was afraid that may be you won't think me more than a senior. But I was the happiest person on the earth when you asked me out. It was like a dream come true for me..over the past 5 years we had face a lot of things. We live each other, we support, care each other and even we fight with each other. But I can never imagine my day without you. I can't think of starting and ending my day without your beautiful face and voice. I know I wasn't a great boyfriend. I couldn't make our relationship public. I couldn't take you on dates like normal couple. I couldn't even hold your hand in public. But trust me I never doubted our relationship. I knew the only thing I'm most confident at is the fact that I love you the most. And now when I have got the opportunity to make our relationship public so I want to make the best use of it. I want to take our relationship to the next stage. I know you want the same. So tell me my sleepyhead, will you marry me? Will you please be my husband?

Bin clearly heard his heart breaking into pieces. He was waiting for this moment. He wanted to be the one to propose Eunwoo. They had dreamt a lot of things together. It's his opportunity to make all of those true. But he can't do anything. He can't accept the proposal even when his heart is desperately asking him to accept it and give Eunwoo the most amazing hug and kiss in this moment. He was crying all this time thinking why this have to be now. Why can't this happen a few days ago. Seeing him crying like this Eunwoo got more nervous. The staffs were asking bin to say yes. Still he was standing at the same place. It seems like he became a statue. After a few minutes Eunwoo stand up and hold Bins face with his palm and make him look into his eyes. Only then he realizes the puffy eyes. And he was sure that it isn't because of the crying of this moment. Nor did it was happy tears. So he was getting afraid every minute

EW: What happened ? Why were you crying earlier?

B: Eun.woo.. I'm..I'm.sorry. I can't.

EW: Is it becomes of your family? Are they objecting because of my religion? We can talk to them, right? My parents don't have any problem with our relationship. They are eagerly waiting to meet you. So we all can go and talk to your parents if you want. I'm sure they will understand.. And still if they objects, then I'll run away with my sleepyhead. Ok? Now Stop crying and let's go to your house?

Eunwoo takes Bins hand and was about to walk away form there, but stop at his place hearing Bins next words.

B: I'm getting married next Sunday.

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