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Sanha was doing 2 part-time job at the same time and was searching for another one. Because he knew he needs a lot of money if he wants to do his further studies. So he kept his search on. And within 1 week he finds another job in a convinance store. The payment was decent too. He was glad to get the job. Also he can use this time to do his homework and other studies. He adjusts his shift. Even though he was so busy that he hardly get any time to sleep or eat, still he manage 2 hours in everyday to prepare breakfast and dinner for MJ and Jisoo. The lunch is prepared by the maid. He usually would get up at 4-4.30 am. Prepare everything and then leave for his job at the convinance store, then attend class starting from 10-11 am. And he sometimes skips his afternoon class for his job at the flowers shop from 2-6 pm. And within 7 pm he would return to their house and prepare dinner for MJ and Jisoo. Thankfully their maid helps him a lot. She keeps everything ready. So sanha just need to go and cook. Sometimes he get to freshen up or sometime he just goes directly to the restaurant and change over there. With his daily routine he keeps getting exhausted. He would always be tired. So after returning home at 11.30 or 12 he hardly gets 2 or 3 hours of sleep. But sometimes when he have a lot of homework or any exam on the next day he skip that short nap too. His body was on the verge of giving up. But he keeps himself encouraged and try his best to cheer himself up saying he have a purpose in his life. So he needs to work harder to achieve it. And in the end he will be able to help a lot of people and make them smile. As for MJ, he also was busy and would only comes home at night. So when he didn't find sanha at the dining table he thought may be sanha was busy with his study or doesn't want to mingle with his or Jisoo's matter. So he let him be. Little did he know sanha already have left the house for more than 2 weeks now. He just knew that if he wants to see sanha for once, he needs to get up before 5 am. And he always did that. He make excuses like going for a walk or wasn't sleepy and so on to keep sanha away from suspecting him. He would sit in the dining table and keep looking at sanha as long as he can. He misses sanha everyday, every minute. He always wish to get back to the time when everything was perfect in their life. If he could then he would return all of sanha's loving gesture and would treasure him. Every time he reminds of their past it just made him sigh in regret. However, Jisoo was aware of MJ's everydays action. So she was getting insecure everyday. Even though he make sanha lives in the staff quarters she wasn't happy. She wanted to make sanha look bad infront of MJ. She did some small attempts but none of those work. That's why she plans something bigger. Today sanha takes a leave from the convinance store as he have an important exam and he wants to do better. So after preparing the breakfast within 8.30 am he didn't leave the house. He was helping the maid to clean the house. After a few minutes Jisoo came down and goes to the kitchen saying she is here to get some juice. After some times MJ comes down too. He was so happy to see sanha in front of his eyes. He noticed that Sanha have lost some weight also looks tired. He thought may be he was awake studying once again. So when he and Jisoo sit for the breakfast he called for Sanha and ask him to join too. Its been a long time they had a meal together. He was excited to get the chance but sanha refused politely saying he have already finished his breakfast. MJ was a bit disappointed but didn't think much. They start eating when suddenly Jisoo stops eating and called for Sanha. Sanha comes forward to help but Jisoo stops him.
J: Sanha did.. did you put.. shrimp in my food??
Sanha was dumbfounded. He knew she is allergic to shrimp that's why he never put it on her food. He even make her different items to avoid having any health issue considering all the instructions.
S: No. I never put shrimp in any of your food. In fact i haven't cooked shrimp for a while.
J: Then what is it?
Jisoo show a few pieces of shrimp that is clearly visible on his bowl. She then start to cough and soon it was getting hard for her to breathe. MJ hands her over a glass of smoothie that was next to her in order to help her. But it makes her condition worst.
J: It has almond in it!?? Are.. are you trying.. to. Kill me?
S: I never did anything like this.. Something is wrong.
J: Are you trying to prove me as a liar?
S: Noo.. i .. i just .
J: Joonie please help me.. take me to the hospital before he kills me.
MJ gets up and proceed to take her to the hospital. Sanha wanted to go with them but MJ stops him. They return home the next day. The doctor said the allergic reaction could have been worse if they didn't bring her to the hospital timely. They treated her and observe her for a few hours before discharging her saying everything is normal. MJ make her sit at the living room. Sanha rushed towards them with 2 glasses of water but Jisoo acts like she is afraid to see him. She clings onto MJ.
J: Don't come near me. You tried to kill me. I don't trust you anymore. May be you will try to kill me again. Who knows that you won't mix anything in the water.
S: Believe me, i didn't do this on purpose. I was always very careful while cooking for you.
J: MJ, I'm afraid of him. Can you ask him to leave? I don't want to die. He will kill me.
S: Mr Kim please trust me i didn't do this. I can never think of hurting anyone. There must be some misunderstanding. Please trust me
MJ: I know it very well whom to trust. You don't have to cook anything from today.
S: Hyung!!
MJ: Yes, We have a plenty of maids. They will handle everything. So don't enter inside the kitchen from today onwards.You should focus on your study. Your final exam is approaching.
Sanha didn't hear anything after that. His mind went blank. MJ doesn't trust him. He trust Jisoo over him. He forbidden him to enter inside the kitchen, the only thing that gives him the opportunity to come inside the mansion and see MJ for once everyday. The only thing that come inside Sanha's mind was- Does he hate me this much that he would rather eat the food made by the maids just to avoid seeing me?? His mind was in chaos. He wanted to get away from it as soon as possible. So he hides his tears and proceed to get out of the house. But was stop by MJ.
MJ: Where are you going? Didn't i ask you to concentrate on your study.? Go to your room right now. Sanha couldn't help but chuckle a bit realising that MJ doesn't even find out that he lives in the staff quarters for almost a month now. He once again realize how insignificant his existence is in MJ's life. So he wipes his tears quickly and leave the house ignoring all the calls from MJ. Soon he leaves for his Uni and tried his best to go on with his daily routine. He tried his best to act happy and jolly infront of Jin too. But within this one month Jin have understood sanha better than MJ. He takes great care of Sanha and always try to brighten his mood. So in one glance he realised that something is wrong and sanha cried a lot today. So he let him be for the time being. Before the closing time Jin ask Sanha to have dinner with him. Sanha refused politely saying it will be inconvenient for him. But Jin try to act cute saying he would probably then skip dinner too. Sanha finally smiles a bit mumbling a small drama king before saying yes. Within this one month Jin treated him the best. Nobody in his life has treated him this way. Jin makes him feel special, he tried to enlighten his mood as if his smile is the most precious thing of the world. All of this make sanha worried about what if Jin starts to build any expectations from him. He certainly can't give Jin what he wants. So he tried to avoid him. But in the end he realised that avoing can never be the solutions of any problems.. thats why when jin playfully said that he likes Sanha and wish to have him in his life sanha gently told him that its impossible because he already have given his everything to the certain someone. So he have nothing left to give to anyone else. Also he told him that he wish to have Jin as his brother and a good friend. To his surprise Jin didn't take is negatively. He just smile and ruffle sanha's hair before saying why he didn't meet him earlier. After that day their bonding keep improving. Now Sanha is comfortable with him. And even though they have huge age gap, still jin would act like his best friend all the time. While having their dinner Jin finally decides to ask sanha about what have happened.
J: Did something happens today? You look exceptionally sad.
S: Nothing much. I just realised once again what my true worth is.
J: What do you mean ? Did your stupid husband make you upset once again.? Just give me the permission, I'll kill that stupid old man.
S: You are talking as if you are a teenager. You are older than him BTW. Anyways just forget it. Im ok now. And i still believe that tomorrow will be better than today.
J: You are so precious, i always regret not meeting you earlier. If i met you earlier than that stupid then i would make you the happiest person on earth and would never let even a drop of water from you beautiful eyes.
S: Ok ok stop with your sweet talk. I need to return now before its too late.
J: Let me drop you.
S: Nah, its ok. I've a perfectly functioned bicycle with me.
J: Are you sure. Its almost 12 am. It can be dangerous, you know
S: Stop worrying about me. It will take only 15 minutes. I'm heading now. Thank you for everything.
They bid each other and sanha return in the staff quarters. But before he could enter inside his room someone hold his hand tightly. For a few seconds sanha got frightened and it seems like his soul have left his body. But when he turn towards the hand he finds It was MJ. So he got a bit relax but all his happiness from earlier was gone in a jift.
S: MR kim. What are you doing here?
MJ: I need to talk to you
S: But its already so late. Other maids will misunderstand if they find out you came here so late.
MJ: They already are aware about our relationship. So nobody will misunderstand. Even if they do, I don't care. I want to talk to you now.
S: About what?
MJ: Let's get inside and talk.
MJ pulls him inside the room. MJ actually suspected that all of this was Jisoo's doing just to keep sanha away from him. He honestly was worried about sanha, and was afraid that Jisoo would do something to hurt Sanha next time. Also he noticed the change in sanha's health. Thats why he asked him to focus on his study keeping in mind that sanhas final exams is in the next month. He completely trusts sanha. But it seems like sanha have misunderstood him. Thats why he wanted to make everything clear. But he didn't expect that Sanha is staying in the staff quarters. The moment he finds out about this it seems like his whole world is shaking. He realised how ignorant he has been all this time. So forgetting about his business and Jisoo he decides to tell her everything. But considering her current health condition, he hold back and decided to tell everything once she gets well. Upon entering the room he finds that Sanha's room is nothing different from any other maids. There are only a chair, a table, a single bed with a thick quilt, a small closet to keep his cloths and thats it. There is also a few utensils . All this makes MJ suspect that may be Sanha is having his meal in his room for a long time, that's why he never saw him eat anything with them or without them inside the mansion. So he couldn't help but ask
MJ: How long have you been staying here? And You've been eating alone in this room all this time? But why?
Sanha didn't replay to MJ's questions. So MJ took it as a yes. He was getting angrier every minute, he was angry with himself, for not knowing any of this.
MJ: Why ? Just why are you doing this? Did i ask you to stay here or did i forbid you to eat with us? I keep asking you everyday and you keep saying you have already have your meal. Why? Did Jisoo told you to do this?
S: No.
MJ: Then what's the meaning of all this ? What are you trying to prove? That I'm not capable of taking care of you, that's why you have to live a life like this?
S: You are overthinking. I don't think you should worry so much about a cook. If nothing else then you should leave. And Mr Kim I'm sorry about hurting your girlfriend
MJ was now angrier than before. He couldn't accept Sanhas indifferent attitude. As if there isn't any relationship between them. As if he is talking to his owner, or boss. Upon hearing Sanha addressing him as MR Kim and Jisoo as his girlfriend he lost the last strength and angrily throw the books on the table before shouting
MJ: Stop calling me that.
He then throw the chair but unfortunately it fall on Sanhas leg, and he hissed in pain. MJ froze for a few seconds before kneeling down to check on Sanha. But he draw his leg backwards, as if he doesn't want MJ to touch him.
After hearing the loud sound and MJs angry voice Max immediately comes running from his room and finds Sanhas trying his best to hold on his tears, also MJ was constantly requesting him to show him the leg. In between all this MJ gets a call, he ignored it a few times but it keeps ringing so he received it and left immediately before looking at Sanha one last time. He also told Max to take care of Sanhas wond before leaving. It didn't take sanha another minutes to understand that it was Jisoo who called him and MJ left him once again to attend someone else. Max was standing next to him with a first aid box. He wanted to help sanha, But sanha smile at him before saying he is ok,.and nothing serious have happened here. So he should leave him alone. Max didn't argue with him and leave the box over there just in case Sanha really needs it. Once Max left the room sanha lock the door from inside and break down into tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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