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I was so worried to see Hyung breaking down like that for the first time. I never expected him to be so vulnerable. So I started to give extra attention to him. We even moved back to MJs house after 2 weeks leaving dad in Max's care. MJ Hyung said that we can relay onnMax . I made sure that I always was there for him whenever he wanted to cry, or share anything. I was there to face his mood swings. But the best part was he wasn't misbehaving with dad anymore. I know he wasn't interested to make any conversation with dad, still I was happy that at least they are having breakfast or dinner together at the same table whenever we visit him. I would sometime try to divert his attention, so I was intentionally being playful with him all the time. Jinjin Hyung also helped me a lot. But MJ Hyung still wasn't ready to listen or believe him. But Jinjin Hyung wasn't going to give up on his best friend.  It's already been 2 months since mom's death. And within these 2 month we became close to each other. And my love for him only keep growing. I love it when he cares for me. When he protects me or even when he accepts all my playful requests. Now I'm madly in love with him. May be that's why I don't feel that bad when he misbehave with me. I didn't think of leaving him even though every time he ends up hurting me.  Because I believed something is changing between us. Our relationship is improving. So I wasn't planning on giving up our relationship any time soon. 
Today is a very special day for me, well for us. It's hyungs birthday. I want to surprise him. So I didn't wish him at midnight. I was planning to celebrate it with just Jinjin Hyung, Rocky Hyung, MJ Hyung and Me. So I bake a beautiful cake for him. Also I requested him to come back home earlier. He said he will. And in these past 2 months he never broke his promises. So I'm sure he will come by within 7 pm.  I was waiting for Him eagerly. Rocky Hyung had some important schedule so he couldn't make it, but Jinjin Hyung is here also waiting for him.  It's already past 9 pm still he didn't come back from office. I tried calling him, but he didn't answer it. I was so worried about him that I kinda force Jinjin Hyung to take me to his office. Within 20 minutes we were Infront of his office.  I bought some coffee for him as I knew he must be tired from working all day. The receptionist said that he is in his cabin. I was so excited to surprise him that's I didn't bother to knock on the door. I directly goes inside his cabin and get the biggest shocked of my life. My husband whom I love unconditionally was fucking a girl right Infront of my eyes. They both are naked and the girl is a moaning mess. I froze on my spot. The coffee fall from my hand. They both look at our direction and hurriedly get detach from each other and start to put on their dresses.  And before I could react Jinjin Hyung pull me outside the room.


After mom's death I was broken to the core. I often would end up crying at night, or would wake up at midnight after having a nightmare. But to my surprise Sanha didn't leave me even for a minute. He always was there for me. From waking up early in the morning till midnight he would try to make me smile. He was putting so much effort in this meaningless relationship that I truly was getting confused about him. I started to open up with him. I also stopped drinking for past few weeks. Rather than spending my free time at any bar drinking or fucking any random girl, I start spending time with him more. Even I didn't know why I was doing this. But I was kinda happy. Even he started to be comfortable around me. He was making me confused. He would often ask for going out for movies, dinner or amusement park.  And I couldn't bring myself to refuse him. But it was getting more and more frequent. So frequent that I would often notice getting weird look from the waitress of the restaurant. They would laugh among themselves while pointing at us. I didn't like this at all. People started to consider me as gay. More importantly I started to enjoy Sanha's company. I started to like his smile. I started to be protective over him. And I hate it. So I had to do something to drive my mind away from Sanha. I had to do something to bring my play boy fame back. I didn't want people to treat me like a disgusting gay. And that's why now I am fucking my secretary at my office like there is no tomorrow. But I never expected my one mistake will ruin everything. I was so engrossed in this moment that I didn't notice 2 people entering in my room. I notice then when I heard a sound.. I look towards the source of the sound and find Sanha standing there with his teary eyes. I didn't know why but I get scared and start to dress myself. I never felt so guilty in my life. But wasn't this what I wanted. I wanted him to accept that I'm straight as a pillar and there will never be any future of this marriage. I wanted him to accept it and lead his life with his own will. I wanted him to move on from the meaningless relationship. Then why do I feel like running to him while trying to explain I did a mistake? I was contemplating whether to go after him or not. Then I decided not to follow him and give him some time to digest whatever he just witnessed. I was sure that Jinjin will manage him. He is a good person after all. So I lay down on my chair while trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

After Jinjin took Sanha outside, Sanha wasn't responding. Jinjin tried to call him but seems like his soul have left his body. So he shook him only to get a broken look from him. He was crying. He just pull him in a hug while patting his back. But he detach himself while telling Jinjin to leave him alone for some time. Before he could refuse Sanha run away from there. Jinjin then saw that girl getting out of the cabin. He then enter inside the room and find MJ sitting there leaning in the chair with closed eyes. He didn't seems to be regretful of his actions. Jinjin was so mad that he directly goes and grab his collar before slapping him with all his might. Even though MJ is few years older than him but he deserves it. He shoot an unreadable look to Jinjin before holding his already red cheek.

J: What the fuck did you do? Why did you do that?

MJ: It's none of your business. I can do whatever I feel like doing.

J: No you can't. You can't cheat on him. He lov..

MJ: Hold on,. Who do you think you are to give me lecture. Don't forget that you also betrayed me for your sweetheart. So stop putting your nose in my business.

J: You know what, you don't deserve his care. He was so excited to surprise you a few minutes ago, and now he is crying his eyes out. He put so much effort on planning the birthday. And you did this.

MJ: Birthday? Whose birthday..

J: It's your fucking birthday. You were so busy in whoring around that you forgot your own birthday! And you cheated on him.You are unbelievable.

MJ: Just go away from me. And don't interfere in my life.
With this MJ was about to leave the room when Jinjin finally drop the Bomb he was wanting to since the beginning of the marriage.

JJ: You are worse than your Dad

MJ: What! How dare you to compare me with him?

J: I know what I'm saying. You hated your dad all your life because he made a mistake by sleeping with his best friend. But he had explained it thousands time that he was drunk and he didn't mean to do that. Still you hate him. Then imagine how much should Sanha hate you after knowing how many times you've cheated on him, that's too in full sense? You are way more pathetic than your dad.

After finishing this, Jinjin storm out of the door leaving a confused MJ over there. MJ couldn't help but feel hurt. Jinjin was right. He cheated on Sanha from the first night of their marriage. And every times he did it willingly. So how is he different from his dad. Still he tried to reason himself by saying that his dad wasn't forced to marry a guy but he was. His mind was playing tricks with him. So he decided to go to the bar to clear his mind. He asks Max to take him to their usual bar. Max did so, and after drinking for quite a while MJ was drunk like a fish. He couldn't even stand properly. With Max's support he get inside their house. But the first thing that caught his attention was the condition of the living room. It wasn't like this when he leave in the morning. It made him realize once more time how badly he have messed it up.

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