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Upon entering the room we find Mom crying silently while looking at the ceiling . It made feel so guilty that I couldn't help but let the tears drop from my eyes. I am responsible for her condition. I should have been more careful before saying anything. It was the moment when I was feeling helpless the most. I was afraid. Afraid to loose her. I was afraid to hurt her more than I already did. She is the most precious person of my life still I hurt her this much. Without my knowing my grip on Sanha's hand tighten. I was afraid to let his hand go. It seems like of I let go today then I will loose everything. I was afraid that I will get lost in the world of endless darkness. I feel him holding my hand in the same kind. We look at each other before heading towards her bed. She senses our present and look at her with the most broken look I've ever seen on her eyes. She didn't seem this much broke even when my so called father brought Bin in our house. She sign us to sit next to her which we followed immediately. She then look at our tightly intertwined hand and give us a pathetic smile. I love to see her smile. But this time it was breaking my heart into pieces. She then slowly remove her oxygen mask saying she needs to talk to us and it's very important. We keep insisting her not to remove it, we tried to explain that we can listen to her after she returns home. But she chuckle a bit before looking at our hand once again.

Mrs Moon: I know I don't have much time in my hand. So you don't need to put this act of being so in love anymore.

S: Mom, trust me we aren't acting. We do love each other. And I don't know what you've heard that make you sick this much. But trust me it was a misunderstanding. We..

Mrs Moon: Sanha I've known you since you were just 7. So don't try to lie Infront of me. You know, I was so happy thinking I made 2 souls together. I bring someone in your life who loves you so much and will do for the rest of your life. Someone who truly care for you. Someone who will make you to stop your nightmares and will help you to forget your fearful past. Also I was happy that you came in my elder son's life being an angel who will change him. I thought I get my son's older self back because of you. I thought both of you are made for each other. That's why one of your existence impact the other so much. But I was so wrong. I didn't catch that you were just acting to make me happy. I couldn't understand that you two are but tolerating each other looking at my face.

At this point she was sobbing badly. I hold her hand and was trying to calm her down but she didn't stop crying. It was getting different for her to breath properly. Still she refused to wear the oxygen mask. With her shaky hand she grab Sanha's hand in a pleading manner.

Mrs Moon: Sanha please forgive me. In the hope of making you happy I made your life a living hell. I never in my farthest dream had imagined that my careless action will bring this much suffering for you. If I hadn't made the request to change the groom at the last moment then nothing of this had happened. And you would lead a happy life. At least better than this. Please forgive me.

S; Mom what are you saying? Why are you apologizing to me? I'm grateful to you for making me your son-in-law. Because of you I find a Mom like you and a Dad too. You know my past. So from there to find a loving and caring parents like you guys truly is a blessing for me. Also I love Hyung a lot. Trust me I do. And I know he does too. He just sometimes loose his control and talk those nonsense. I never take those in my heart. Because I know he never meant anything.

Mrs Moon: I wish it was true. But I know my son very well. So Sanha don't fool yourself anymore. I know it's really hard for you. But can you please bear with him.? He thinks he have no one to love and care for him except me. But it's not true. I know his dad loves him a lot. But because of their issues he can't express it like other dad's. So please stay with him. I assure you, he isn't bad. He just lost faith over love. And I know only you can make him fall in love with everything once again. Only you can make him paint like before, only you can make him sing like he used to do. P-please Sanha, promise me that.. that you will never leave him alone no matter what. Please. I'm begging you. I don't have much time left with me. If today you make this promise to me, then I'll die peacefully. I'll be assured that I'm not leaving him alone in this world. Please..

S: Mom please don't say like this. I love him. So no matter how badly he treats me, I'll never leave his side. I'll stay by his side through thik and thin. I promise you.

After hearing this Mrs Moon smile weakly before planting a soft kiss on Sanha's knuckles. Then he looks at MJ who was sitting there lowering his head. Mrs Moon pat his head while asking Sanha to give them some privacy. Sanha smile softly and leave the mother son duo alone in the room. MJ was too ashamed to look at his mom. And Mrs Moon knew the reason very well.

Mrs Moon: I know you are feeling guilty right now, but believe me I'm the one at fault here. I shouldn't have forced you that day. I was mad at you dad for forcing Bin, but look I did the same. I didn't even bother to ask for your preference. I already assumed that you would be ok to marry a boy. I ruined both of your lives. If.. if possible P-please forgive me.

MJ: Mom, what are you saying? Please don't be like this. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one who said yes to the marriage by myself. So don't feel guilty. Rather I'm grateful that I get to marry someone of your likings. Someone who is very much precious to you. Someone who loves and care for you genuinely.

Mrs Moon: Then please charish him.

MJ: Huh!??

Mrs Moon: If you aren't repenting of accepting the marriage then please charish him. He himself is a blessing by God. He is different from others from the beginning. He is capable of fulfilling your family. He can turn your house into home. Trust me he is the best among the best. Most importantly he will never betray or leave you. I wanted to tell you about his past, but now I don't want you to have sympathy for him. I want you to love him first then know about his past. If you trust me then be sure that he is the one for you.

MJ: If that's what you want, then I promise to charish him. I'll try my best not to hurt him again. And I'll try my best to give our marriage another chance. But please get well soon. I want you to witnesse all of this. I want you to be there when we will start our life afresh. Please mom.

After hearing mjs words Mrs Moon couldn't help but chuckle a bit. How can she explain her son that she wants these too. But it's now impossible.

Mrs Moon: I want this too. I just hope that you will keep your promise. This time not to make me happy, you will fulfill from the bottom of your heart.

MJ nodded and smile a bit. He still wasn't sure about the marriage. But he definitely can do this for his mom. He knows it very well that nothing is more important to him than his mother. After seeing her smile widely, he feels so relieved that he smile sweetly too. He then out the oxygen mask on her back and ask her to take some rest. Also that tomorrow they will return home together. Mrs Moon close his eyes with a satisfied smile on her face. MJ was glad to see that smile on her. He keeps patting her head till he himself fall asleep over there. Little did he know, that is going to be his last night with his mom.

Sanha enter inside the ICU after almost one hour and found both of them sleeping. MJ was holding her hand while keeping his head on the side if the bed. Sanha just put the extra blanket on MJ and lie down in the couch. He fall asleep over there.
Next morning when he wakes up. He notice something weird. All the machine attached to Mrs Moon wasn't working. This can't be a coincidence to stop working all the machine at the same time. Being a medical student, it didn't take him second glance to know what actually have happened to her. He quickly wake MJ up before checking her parles. MJ was confused and was asking Sanha what happened. Rather than giving him Any answers he call for the doctor immediately. The doctor came and ask them to wait outside. MJ still couldn't figure out what was happening. Sanha drag him outside the room. MJ was continuously asking him about what is going on. But Sanha wasn't responding. His eyes was filled with tears. After a few minutes the doctor came outside the ICU and told them that she is no more. Upon hearing this Sanha couldn't hold his tears back anymore. But MJ wasn't believing the doctor. So he run inside the room and Sanha followed him shortly.

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